Thursday, January 27, 2011

Google Alert - Religion

Blogs5 new results for Religion
Do We Need Freedom of Religion?
Freedom of religion is widely regarded as fundamental to a modern, free society -- but should it be? I wouldn't argue that there shouldn't be any freedom of religion, but I would question whether "freedom of religion" actually adds ... Agnosticism / Atheism -
Islam Scholar Tariq Ramadan discusses religion | The Earlham Word
By cfjimen07
By Basil Farraj More knowledge, especially in the fields of history, philosophy, religion, and the arts was the message Tariq Ramadan, a prominent Islam...
The Earlham Word -
KU denies claim that race, religion led to firing | State ...
The University of Kansas is denying claims by a former associate vice provost that he was harassed because of his race and religion and then fired for complaining.
Wichita Eagle: News Updates -
Even more philosophy of religion « An und für sich
By Adam Kotsko
This seems right to me actually, though I hasten to add that many who take philosophy of religion courses may benefit more from being exposed to skepticism regarding God's existence than they do from exploring the nuances of religion ...
An und für sich -
Freedom from Religion Foundation Searches for Plaintiff in Giles ...
By (J.R. Hoeft)
The best-laid plans of the Freedom From Religion Foundation for Giles County Public Schools sometimes go awry.
Bearing Drift: Virginia Politics... -

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