Thursday, January 27, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News4 new results for "Tea Party"
Senate Tea Party Caucus Holds First Meeting
CBS News
The three founding members of the Senate Tea Party Caucus officially launched their new caucus before a crowd of about 150 tea party activists in a Senate ...
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CBS News
New Mexico Supreme Court Overrules Tea Party Governor Fighting Climate Law
By Cleantechnica at Cleantechnica by Susan Kraemer The New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that new Tea Party Governor Susana Martinez violated ...
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US Republican Tea Party Senator calls to halt aid to Israel (Haaretz)
Tea Party representative Rand Paul tells CNN's Wolf Blitzer he has a lot of respect for Israel but he doesn't believe the US should be funding the Mideast ...
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The History Challenged Tea Party Goes 'Jaywalking'
Forbes (blog)
Not to be outdone by Bachmann's display of leadership, the Tea Party's other high priestess, Sarah Palin, has thrown herself into the mix by suggesting that ...
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