Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Google Alert - Religion

News5 new results for Religion
Divine dispatches: a religion roundup
The Guardian
asks Religion News Service, which casts an eye over a new movie scheduled for release later this year starring Anthony Hopkins. I saw the trailer. ...
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The Guardian
Religion: Sargent Shriver's 'love affair with God'
The Republic
By TERRY MATTINGLY - Scripps Howard News Service If someone truly wants to understand R. Sargent Shriver, all they need to do is reflect on a public act ...
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New book sheds light on religion, politics and Islam
Arizona State University
Woodward also heads a multi-million dollar research project for the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict examining counter-radical discourse across ...
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Sikh man 'cannot become guard because of beard'
... in a court filing on January 6 that Trilochan Oberoi could not be properly fitted for a gask mask if he kept the facial hair required by his religion. ...
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Religion News in Brief
Dayton Daily News
The decision came even though the board's attorney had previously advised that such displays were an unconstitutional government endorsement of religion. ...
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