Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News4 new results for Conservatives
Stelmach's exit muddies Conservative waters in Alberta
Globe and Mail
The Progressive Conservatives will then need to seek a new leader, once Mr. Stelmach formally submits his resignation letter. The new chief will need to ...
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Globe and Mail
FACTBOX-Top issues in Canada's pre-budget debate
[ID:nN26285970] BUSINESS TAX CUTS - The Conservatives cut the corporate tax rate to 16.5 percent on Jan. 1 from 18 percent and legislation allows for ...
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Controversial Conservative Spending Cut Plan Divides Republicans
House conservatives also want to scrap all subsidies for mohair production -- fabrics made from goat hair . This is an age-old item in the war against pork. ...
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NC conservatives say Republican-led Legislature being watched to make sure ...
My Fox 8
By AP RALEIGH, NC (AP) — Members of North Carolina's conservative movement are telling new state legislators they're watching to see if the GOP sticks to ...
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