Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Google Alert - Religion

Blogs5 new results for Religion
Sandwalk: What Should Replace Religion?
By Larry Moran
He addresses the "problem" of what should replace religion once we get rid of it . You may wonder what "problem" he's referring to. After all, when you visit countries in Europe you don't see a pressing need to come up with some ...
Sandwalk -
Abortion, Religion, and Science - Reason Magazine
By David Harsanyi
Like red-baiting before it, prohibition before that, and abolition before that, these causes become "religious" causes because the rallies for the cause advance the visibility of the religion, not the other way around. ...
Reason Magazine -
More on philosophy of religion « An und für sich
By Adam Kotsko
I brought it up in comments, but it seems worth highlighting: Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, arguably the founding documents for philosophy of religion as a specific subdiscipline, represent a much more capacious kind ...
An und für sich -
HRC Religion Council Member to Appear on The Mo'Nique Show « Human ...
By Anthony Moll
HRC was excited to learn this week that Bishop Carlton Pearson, a bold advocate for inclusion in faith communities and a member of HRC's Religion Council, will appear on BET's The Mo'Nique Show this Thursday. ...
Human Rights Campaign | HRC Back Story -
The Mahablog » When Political Ideology Is a Religion
By (Barbara O'Brien)
Because in keeping with supply-side religion, it must first and foremost do that which supply-side economics holds as its First Commandment: cut taxes on the morally superior rich. It is madness. It is a joke. ...
The Mahablog -

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