Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News5 new results for U.S. Politics
The Rise of Innovation Hawks
Americans For Energy Leadership
The president is declaring it the "new Sputnik moment," but whatever the label, it represents a major development in US politics. ...
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Michele Bachmann State of the Union response: where she and Obama may agree
Christian Science Monitor
She talked about the "failed" trillion-dollar stimulus and how all it got America was "a bureaucracy that now tells us what light bulbs to buy. ...
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Christian Science Monitor
The Politics of Violence in America
So long as violence remains official US Government policy at home and abroad, neither tougher gun control laws nor the increased use of the death penalty ...
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Bills Denying Birthright Citizenship to be Introduced in Arizona
Fox News
Arizona's legislation would define a US citizen as someone who has been naturalized, or someone born in this country who has at least one parent who has no ...
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Fox News
Deficit Dilemma: Americans Want Action, but Oppose Cutting Many Programs
Politics Daily
Gallup noted, "It has become a maxim of US politics that Americans approve of cutting spending in concept but disapprove of cutting specific programs. ...
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