Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday's Daily Brief

Friday, February 4, 2011
Opposition parties called for Feb. 4 to be a "Day of Departure" earlier this week. The plan: to come together in massive numbers and in one voice demand President Hosni Mubarak to step down once and for all. An Al Jazeera analyst said the goal was clear: "The idea is to send a message, and have the largest amount of people participate." Protesters demanding Mubarak's ouster packed Cairo's central square in huge numbers Friday, waving Egyptian flags, singing the national anthem and cheering, appearing undaunted and determined after their camp withstood two days of street battles with regime supporters trying to dislodge them.
Obama To Answer Egypt Questions Today
Unemployment Rate Falls, But Economy Adds Only 36K Jobs
Justice Scalia, Not Kennedy, Eyed As Key Vote In Support Of Health Care
Learning To Walk: Fear, Shame And Your Underwater Mortgage
Steven Soderbergh Hit With Paternity Suit
Shirin Sadeghi:Farewell Friday: Tahrir Square Has Spoken
Yet another Western-backed dictator is set to fall from grace. The Shah of Iran, Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein -- they all refused to concede defeat. And they all fell down. Hosni Mubarak will, too, if he doesn't review his history books.
Joel Simon:What Is at Stake With Egypt's Media Crackdown
Standing up for the rights of journalists may be our last, best hope of stemming an impending bloodbath that could go down in history as the gravest example of political repression.
Richard (RJ) Eskow:If Ben Bernanke Hosted Our Super Bowl Party Instead of My Friend Pete
I doubt that anybody watching Sunday's game wants to hear our leaders say that this sluggish and jobless economy represents the "new normal." How would the sportscasters put it? The people expect their officials to give 110 percent.
Douglas LaBier:Obama's 'Win the Future' Requires Redefining 'Success' in American Life
To meet the challenges of our "Sputnik moment," we need to revamp our thinking about what success is, as well as what psychological orientation is necessary to achieve it.
Wallace Shawn:Why I Call Myself a Socialist: Is the World Really a Stage?
The actor knows we are more than what we seem. When he's on stage, he's in a sense deceiving his friends in the audience less than he does in daily life, because on stage he's disclosing the parts of himself that in daily life he struggles to hide.

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