Friday, February 4, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Reagan vs. the Progressives
American Spectator
The Reagan centennial is a golden opportunity to consider what happened there and to draw lessons for what America faces with progressives today. ...
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Progressives and Free Press at the Comcast Merger Agreement Trough
Big Government
It has Progressives buzzing with excitement. States the Order: FCC tries an experiment in supporting local journalism. Lots of people are worried about the ...
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Photo: Sun News Publishing
Daily Sun
It is also his prayers that the progressives in Nigeria would come together to face the PDP at the general elections. You were not known to be a member of ...
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Framing the Iowa House: A Progressive Guide
Blog for Iowa (blog)
The key challenge for progressives this legislative session may well be maintaining our ability to express moral outrage. With all of the nutty things the ...
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Time of Change
Pacific Free Press
Progressives must refuse to support or vote for candidates who are nothing more than "Corporate Light." We must create alternative leadership that rejects ...
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Paris calling
Progress Magazine
But closer to British shores, just across the Channel, there lies a more immediate barometer for the precarious state of progressive politics: the French ...
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Healthcare bill passed House Senate signed law President does overrides...
Wall Street Journal
A:Progressives only wish that was the way it works, because the Constitution is often an impediment to their liberal agenda. However, nothing overrides the ...
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Arewa, Fasehun, Marwa warn against imposition of candidates
Dino Melaye, a member of the House of Representatives and the leader of the legislative caucus group, known as 'the Progressives', whose group suffered ...
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From across the pond, a view of Justice Thomas
Hartford Courant (blog)
By Anton on February 4, 2011 11:00 AM At least they're not calling for Justice Thomas to be sent back into the fields, or lynched, as the Progressives here ...
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Focus on the enemy within
I think it's time for us to concentrate on our own civil war – the one here in America between progressives and constitutionalists that is becoming more ...
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Blogs5 new results for Progressives
Racist Progressives Call For Lynching Of Clarence Thomas
By MacAoidh
Home » Racist Progressives Call For Lynching Of Clarence Thomas. Racist Progressives Call For Lynching Of Clarence Thomas. Racist Progressives Call For Lynching Of Clarence Thomas – blog comments powered by Disqus ...
The Hayride -
Coastal Progressives Update » News Lincoln County
By admin
Network: Lincoln and South Tillamook Counties Provided by Coastal Progressives, A member group of the Rural Organizing Project * Advancing democracy in rural Oregon. Announcements for February 2, 2011. Put your Money where your values ...
News Lincoln County -
Tea Party Handbook: Progressives Hate Freedom
By Tea Party Handbook
Progressives believe that they are better than you are. They even think that they are smarter than you are. Even if you went to college, they are more adept than you are. If you didn't go to an Ivy League school, you are not part of ...
Tea Party Handbook -
front-porch anarchist: Progressives call for lynching of Clarence ...
By Charles
Progressives call for lynching of Clarence Thomashttp://FrontPorchanarchist Blogspot Com201102ProgressivesCallForLynchingOfhtml?http://FrontPorchanarchist ( Blogspot) Com!,attendees,atkommon:kauserally ...
front-porch anarchist -
Right, Wing-Nut!: Why Do Progressives Love The Muslim Brotherhood?
By The JerseyNut
Why Do Progressives Love The Muslim Brotherhood? Because they both hate Israel. And Jews. No wonder Barack Obama has been empowering and voicing support for a new Egyptian government featuring the Muslim Brotherhood. ...
Right, Wing-Nut! -

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