Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Palin, Huckabee skipping the conservative party at CPAC forum
Washington Post
This weekend's Conservative Political Action Conference will bring together most of the GOP's potential 2012 presidential contenders (with two notable ...
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Washington Post
The Caucus: Conservative Leader Steps Down on Eve of Conference
New York Times (blog)
By MICHAEL D. SHEAR David Keene, the longtime leader of the group that sponsors the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, officially stepped down ...
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Ottawa ducks decision on cash for Quebec arena
Toronto Star
On the eve of an announcement on a new Quebec City rink by Premier Jean Charest, the federal Conservatives kept the door open for financial support for the ...
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Conservatives' clout flummoxes House GOP leaders
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — The clout of tea party advocates and other hard-line conservatives in Congress has caught top Republicans by surprise, raising questions ...
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US conservatives divided on how to view Egypt protests
Daily Caller
(AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti) A fierce dispute raging among conservative commentators on the protests in Egypt is straining – but has yet to break – a ...
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DeMint supporters hoping he'll run for White House
"He's extremely well liked by movement conservatives and tea party types across the United States," McCall said. "He definitely would have a lot of support ...
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Santorum weighs 2012 presidential bid
While Santorum would be a long shot, he has appeal with social conservatives who have strong sway in Iowa's leadoff Republican caucuses, said Arthur Sanders ...
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Anti-Reagan Media Now Lecturing Conservatives on 'Appropriating' His Legacy ...
Wall Street Journal
Earlier, on Sunday's Today, Mitchell lectured conservatives about what Reagan would say today: "He would be absolutely appalled at the state of our politics ...
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True Conservatives Should Be Wary of the Patriot Act
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
Despite rhetoric that casts skepticism of the USA Patriot Act as a liberal mission, the matter is a signature issue for genuine conservatives. ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
Gay conservatives call out Pawlenty over Don't Ask, Don't Tell ...
By Andy Birkey
The Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud criticized former Gov. Tim Pawlenty for stating that he would reinstate the military's ban on openly serving gay and lesbian servicemembers. Pawlenty told members of the Family Leader, ...
Minnesota Independent: News.... -
ISS - How Texas conservatives are manipulating a budget crisis of ...
By Texas Observer
For many Texas legislators and conservative activists, the budget crisis is a thing of wonder -- a once-in-a-generation chance to drown government in the bathtub, to use anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist's infamous phrase. As Lt. Gov. ...
Facing South -
Conservatives and the Fed (A Tale of Enlightened Despotism) | RedState
By dpmartin (Profile)
One thing I find interesting about many conservatives is their advocacy for limited government, balanced budgets and the like coupled with their defense of the.
dpmartin's Diary -
RealClearPolitics - Conservatives Argue National Security, Democracy
By Gerald Seib, WSJ
Mr. Cheney, the former vice president, and Mr. Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard magazine, served together in the first Bush administration, were staunch supporters of both wars in Iraq, and are admired figures in the conservative ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage -
The Right Coast: There are so few conservative academics because ...
By Tom Smith
Why didn't I think of that? Oh right. Because I'm stupid. It's baffling how, when explanations of such dazzling brilliance are afoot, that progress in the social sciences seems so slow. With thought leaders such as Paul ...
The Right Coast -

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Conservatives' clout flummoxes House GOP leaders - Yahoo! News
The clout of tea party advocates and other hard-line conservatives in Congress has caught top Republicans by surprise, raising questions about whether GOP ...

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