Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Abortion roars back into US political debate
WASHINGTON — Abortion roared back to center stage in US politics this week as the Republican-controlled House of Representatives shifted its focus from a ...
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Hosni Mubarak and American Foreign Policy
Men's News Daily
If this is a spoof, protect us from the reality.Kevin Carson submits this perspective on the net results of the internationalist foreign policy. ...
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Federal Reserve chair to GOP: Don't take that punch bowl away
Christian Science Monitor
They fear this "quantitative easing" is just a backdoor way to increase the US money supply, an action that in economic theory leads to inflation if taken ...
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Christian Science Monitor
COLUMN: American ideals and interests are aligning in Egypt
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
In Egypt, the United States is tangled in a web of history, politics, diplomatic commitments, national interests and traditional ideals. ...
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Unrest in Egypt: 6 Florida members of Congress are on committee debating US ...
Orlando Sentinel
"As a political refugee from a repressive regime, I know what you are feeling," Ros-Lehtinen said. "And I assure you that your cries do not fall on deaf ...
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US backs Tea Party ideas, not its leaders
Eastern Echo
By Chris Hoitash | THE EASTERN ECHO The insanity of the current American political landscape is slowly eating away at my sanity and my liver. ...
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Sarah Palin May Be Too Rich for Conservatives in Washington
Yahoo! News
William Browning is a research librarian specializing in US politics. Born in St. Louis, Browning is active in local politics and served as a campaign ...
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What the right won't admit about Reagan
What about US policy toward the opposition groups like the ANC and Nelson Mandela? They called the ANC terrorists. It was just continuing this notion that ...
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US State Department Creates Arabic Twitter Account
The decision to use Twitter as a medium for sharing US policy updates with the Middle Eastern world may be a response to the violent political protests that ...
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Obama's speech to the Chamber suggests a lack of economic understanding
This type of corporatism, often referred to as crony capitalism, is detrimental to both economic and political freedom in the United States. ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
Lawmakers Criticize US Policy On Egypt, Urge Using Aid As Leverage ...
By Carmen Cox
... U.S. policy over successive American presidents who have stood by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak for three decades, despite evidence he suppressed political opposition and was behind numerous human rights abuses in his country. ...
Politics News - ABC News Radio -
U.S. State Dept. figures out how to say "Twitter" in Arabic ...
By Andrew Quinn
With unprecedented political turmoil rocking Egypt and protesters turning to social media such as Twitter and Facebook, the mouthpiece of U.S. foreign policy wants in on the game. Its first message? #Egypt #Jan25 تعترف وزارة الخارجية ...
Front Row Washington -

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
The tragedy of US-China high politics | East Asia Forum
Author: Artyom Lukin, Far Eastern National University, Vladivostock Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to the United States went relatively smoothly and.

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