Monday, February 14, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Green: Conservatives Battle Gingrich on Energy
New York Times (blog)
By JOHN COLLINS RUDOLF In a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the annual gathering of conservative activists, Newt Gingrich, ...
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The Plum Line: Conservatives won't let poor Mitt Romney off hook on health care
Washington Post
Conservatives are insistent that Romney explain his previous support for the individual mandate, in order to prove he's not ideologically suspect, ...
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Accusations against Oda tied up in a 'not'
Globe and Mail
In 2006, the Conservatives campaigned on a pledge to increase openness and transparency in government. The Kairos case also carries similarities to the ...
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Globe and Mail
New poll gives Canada's Conservatives strong lead
Reuters Canada
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada's ruling Conservatives took a strong lead in an opinion poll released on Monday, ahead of a March budget that will be the ...
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Gold Bug Wins Test in Race for White House: Margaret Carlson
There was no such rapture this year for the 11000 conservatives, almost all white, almost all Republican, with a hard-core group of libertarians sprinkled ...
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Democrats fight back against GOP claims from conservative conference
USA Today
By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY Democrats are hitting back after three days of GOP conservatives slamming President Obama's handling of the economy. ...
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USA Today
Ron Paul's grasp of the youth makes his candidacy strong
Daily Athenaeum
Ron Paul, R-Texas, speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in DC on Feb. 11. Every winter, conservatives from across the nation gather ...
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Jeff Flake's Problem With Social Conservatives
Politics Daily
But while many conservatives are excited about Flake, some social conservatives are less enthusiastic. 1. He's bad on Don't Ask, Don't Tell. ...
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DC conference for conservatives draws students
UI The Daily Iowan
Speakers at the Conservative Political Action Conference included Tea Party supporter Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn, and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas. ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
Guess Who Opposes Walker's Plan for WI? Conservatives, Republicans ...
By Donna Jablonski
Conservative and Republican public employees across the state voiced opposition to a proposal by Gov. Scott Walker that would deny nurses, teachers, EMTs and other trusted public service providers the right to collectively bargain—a ...
Shirley Sagawa: Why Conservatives Should Love AmeriCorps, Not Kill It
By Shirley Sagawa
Despite the bipartisan majorities that created AmeriCorps in 1993, conservatives still can't get past the program's association with Bill Clinton.
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
On Obama and Egypt, conservatives are scowling in the mirror ...
By Phillip Suderman
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) served as a great warm up for Republicans to get their analysis out the door, and with Monday arriving the media machine is gearing up to take their shot (aggregate news site Real ...
Examiner RSS -
Conservatives and Civil Rights, Then and Now | Britannica Blog
By David Boaz
For most of the past 70 years or so conservatives have opposed the demands for equal respect and equal rights by blacks, women, and gay people. Then, once any particular battle is over, and the conservative position has been decisively ...
Britannica Blog -
Guess Who Opposes Walker's Plan for WI? Conservatives, Republicans ...
Guess Who Opposes Walker's Plan for WI? Conservatives, Republicans and Vets ( press call today)
Democratic Underground Latest... -

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