Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Pakistan: Charges in Killing of Punjab Governor
New York Times
... Taseer in January while serving as one of his bodyguards because the governor opposed blasphemy laws that impose the death sentence for insulting Islam. ...
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In One Slice of a New Egypt, Few Are Focusing on Religion
New York Times
But in streets suffused with trash, occasionally drawing flocks of sheep, a common refrain is that political Islam, as practiced by the Muslim Brotherhood, ...
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Indonesian women splash out at Islamic spas
Indonesian women are splashing out on treatments at spas aimed at meeting Islamic values, including paying for special headscarf styling, as affluence rises ...
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Judges Rule Case Against Dutch Anti-Islam MP To Continue
Voice of America
A court in Amsterdam on Monday has ruled that the hate speech trial of Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders will go on, with new judges listening to the ...
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Expert warns of new Indon terror links
Sydney Morning Herald
Bashir claims the charges have been fabricated and that the Aceh camp was established to defend Islam. It is the third attempt by authorities to convict ...
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7/7 ringleader tried to convert children to radical Islam
The Guardian
Mohammad Sidique Khan, the ringleader of the 7 July bombings, used his job in a primary school to try to convert his young pupils to radical Islam, ...
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The Guardian
Glenn Beck and Andy McCarthy talk Islam
I will let the Onion AV Club's Todd VanDerWerff summarize: The fall of Egypt was precipitated by a behind-the-scenes cabal of radical Islamic groups, ...
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Right fractures over Islam
Politico (blog)
Allen West also drew thunderous applause in his keynote speech about the threat to America posed by Islam and other security threats. ...
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Politico (blog)
Indonesian Muslims warned against Valentine's Day
Washington Post
... his young followers against celebrating Valentine's Day, saying it is the same as promoting faiths other than Islam and could lead to forbidden sex. ...
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Alleged Palestinian terrorist arrested in Athens
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
12, is said to be a member of the Fatah-Al-Islam terror group based in Lebanon. He holds a Lebanese passport and citizenship. Taleb will be deported for ...
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Blogs2 new results for Islam news
License-to-preach regulation contradicts freedom of speech, argues ...
By Ahmed Nazeer
I do not understand why Minivan News bothers to publish every little thing that happens about Islam in this country. This article is hardly worthy of front page news. But still, this and similar articles will be published without fail ...
Minivan News - http://minivannews.com/
University of Alabama News » Lecture on Muslim Presence in Greece ...
By Richard LeComte
Her research interests focus on Muslim theology and history as well as the social, religious and political dimensions of Islam in the Middle East. Her comprehensive study of Shi'ism also led to the publication of her book on the social ...
University of Alabama News - http://uanews.ua.edu/

Web2 new results for Islam news
The Role of Islam - ABC News
Could Islam fill the political void in Egypt? ... World News: 02/08/11 · Person of the Week · World News Reports · World News Extra ...
Islamic World News
Islamic World News 14 Feb 2011, NewAgeIslam.Com Awan wants to swap Davis with Dr . ... to be included in ROZ law Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau URL: ...

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