Sunday, February 20, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News1 new result for "Family Research Council"
Reader's view: Ungodly attitude makes US unworthy of blessings
Duluth News Tribune
According to Dr. David A. Prentice of the Family Research Council, "Despite over 12 years of promises, embryonic stem cells still have not helped a single patient." To the contrary, adult stem-cell research has proven success at saving lives and ...
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Blogs1 new result for "Family Research Council"
Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council just - Holy Bullies ...
By BlackTsunami
"Our friend," Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council was on a local Maryland Fox News program being interviewed recently about the marriage equality bill which just passed and is now headed for a vote in the Senate. ...
Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters -

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An American Democrat