Sunday, February 20, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Effective Advocacy for Iowa Progressives
Blog for Iowa (blog)
By Month By Year by Paul Deaton One of Blog for Iowa's goals is to be a resource for progressives. We frequently post action alerts that urge advocacy on progressive causes and if you are like most of our readers, you are contacted by snail mail, ...
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A source of optimism
Progress Magazine
As a progressive party, we need fresh ideas and a sense of optimism. Having experienced the atmosphere of enthusiasm and positivity at National Youth Conference this year, I'm confident that, under Susan Nash and Liv Bailey's combined leadership, ...
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Chris Daly Could Run For SF Mayor
The Bay Citizen
By John Upton on February 20, 2011 - 6:00 pm PST Chris Daly, the hot-headed former San Francisco supervisor who assails the rich and seeks to represent the impoverished and the working class, will run for mayor if other leading progressives choose not ...
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The Bay Citizen
Name-calling works, if you can make it stick
Their attacks worked so well that liberals don't even call themselves liberals anymore; they call themselves "progressives." Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck area masters of invective and anger and name-calling. Conservatives say the Left is anti-family ...
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Opposition party rallies support for Jonathan
By Taiye Agbaje The All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has called on Nigerians to cast their votes for President Goodluck Jonathan and Vice President Namadi Sambo in the April presidential elections, saying "Jonathan-Sambo ticket will unite Nigeria ...
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Opposition parties may back Buhari in April
Nigeria Daily Independent
Despite this situation, the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA), and a number of other opposition parties have in the last two weeks adopted Jonathan as their candidate. The gale of adoptions came in the wake of ...
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jealous moon
Buzz Log
And yes-liberals/progressives are THE great society of America-thanks for noticing!" What is Yahoo Buzz? It's the place where you can talk about and shape the best stories people are reading right now. Influence the stories and images people see. ...
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Political events
Arizona Daily Star
Raúl Grijalva, the co-chair of the congressional Progressive Caucus. The meeting will be held at 7 pm at the Tucson YWCA, 525 N. Bonita Ave., south of St. Mary's Road, west of I-10. The chapter aims in part to give progressives a great voice within the ...
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The leftover alliance
They began to style themselves as progressives. It sounded fashionably modern without being dangerously revolutionary. The Colombo Plan had opened floodgates of opportunities for academically deserving students irrespective of their family background ...
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