Thursday, February 24, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News8 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council asks Christians to pray outside of legislators' offices
God Discussion
The Family Research Council, led by Tony Perkins, issued an alert asking Christians to pray outside of legislators' offices this Friday so that a miracle will happen and the Senate will vote to defund Planned Parenthood. ...
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God Discussion
FRC to Host Screening of Award Winning Documentary 'Eggsploitation'
Sacramento Bee
By Family Research Council WASHINGTON, Feb. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Family Research Council will host a special public screening this Thursday, February 24 at Noon EST featuring the award-winning documentary "Eggsploitation. ...
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How government, society can react to crisis in family life
Catholic Culture
The breakdown of American families has created a major national crisis, and government policies have often exacerbated the problem, writes Patrick Fagan of the Family Research Council. Fagan raises a series of questions about what public policies ...
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House GOP eyes DOMA defense
Washington Times
By Valerie Richardson Associated Press Family Research Council President Tony Perkins says there "have been discussions" among House Republicans and others on how best to defend DOMA. House Republicans and conservative groups are working together ...
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Washington Times
Critic's Notebook: Smithsonian air-clearing forum looks to be anything but
Los Angeles Times
His Ashbrook bio also says he "is regularly featured in Family Research Council's Social Conservative Review." The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified the Family Research Council as a hate group, specifically "because of its dissemination of ...
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Los Angeles Times
Conservatives urge Republican-led House to defend marriage law
AHN | All Headline News
The Family Research Council and the National Organization for Marriage separately called for the GOP-controlled House to intervene and defend DOMA. The groups lashed at the administration for its decision not to support the law in federal courts. ...
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Badass Quote of the Day
ScienceBlogs (blog)
I wish the Family Research Council and Coral Ridge Ministries would have recognized the debt as a moral issue before they supported two unnecessary and immoral wars and endless corporate subsidies for years. The right always discovers the need for ...
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Right-Wing Hate on the Rise
Interestingly, along with the usual hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan nation, holocaust deniers, and the Nation of Islam, the SPLC includes a few Christian "anti-gay" organizations, including the Family Research Council and the Traditional ...
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Blogs3 new results for "Family Research Council"
Joe. My. God.: HATE GROUP ALERT: Family Research Council Launches ...
By Joe
The Family Research Council has just launched a DOMA petition, asking its millions of followers to demand that Congress do "what the president will not" and authorize intervention in DOMA litigation. The petition reads in part: ...
Joe. My. God. -
Annual Report Cites Rise in Hate Groups, But Some Ask: What Is ...
Michele Bachmann of Minnesota (who tops the SPLC's "militia enablers list"), who protested the SPLC's listing of the conservative Family Research Council as a hate group. The SPLC said the Family Research Council is knowingly pushing ...
American Renaissance News -
GOProud's Jimmy LaSalvia: Majority of conservatives embrace gay ...
By jkernis
Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council told this blog, "Organizations whose whole reason for existence is to promote the forced public affirmation of homosexual conduct should not be welcomed at CPAC, because that is not—by any ...
Parker Spitzer -

Web1 new result for "Family Research Council"
FRC Condemns Obama Justice Department for Abandoning DOMA - Family ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Family Research Council condemned the decision today by President ... Family Research Council President Tony Perkins made the following ...

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