Friday, February 25, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Between Gaza and Tripoli
The change began with his fight against radical Islam in Libya, which he won in the 1990s. He later condemned the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States. In 2003, after Iraq's conquest by the United States, he announced that he was ...
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The Islamic Republic of Libya?
FrontPage Magazine
Taking advantage of the ongoing chaos in Libya, a large group of Islamist gunmen, believed to be members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), recently seized a weapons depot in the eastern Libyan port city of Derna. The incident underscores the ...
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FrontPage Magazine
Suit Accuses FBI of Spying at Mosques in California
New York Times
The suit also charges that FBI agents "explicitly told Monteilh that Islam was a threat to America's national security." Mr. Monteilh has also sued the FBI, saying that it failed to protect him from charges of grand theft that he says were related to ...
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Americanization of Islam
The Times of Trenton -
PRINCETON BOROUGH -- As religious scholar Yvonne Haddad has watched Islam become the fastest growing religion in the United States, she sees the opportunity for broader acceptance in American society without other religions sacrificing their identity. ...
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Religion News Coverage Doubled, Focused On Islam Controversies In 2010
Huffington Post
Islam dominated religion news coverage in 2010, a year that also saw religion reporting double to 2 percent of all news, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public ...
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Glenn Beck Apologizes For Comparing Reformed Judaism To Radical Islam
The Business Insider
The most recent case in point was Tueday's show during which Beck said "Radicalized Islam is less about religion than it is about politics. When you look at the Reform Judaism, it is more about politics." Beck has had an especially rocky relationship ...
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Afghan Officials Say Jailed Convert Is Free
New York Times
By RAY RIVERA Under international pressure, government officials in Kabul, Afghanistan, say they have freed an Afghan man who had been jailed since May and faced the prospect of the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity. ...
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Islam and Politics in Egypt
Council on Foreign Relations
Unrest in Egypt and the departure of President Hosni Mubarak have raised questions about the role of Islam in political life going forward. Dina Shehata, a Cairo-based expert on Islamists, says it is a misconception to think of Egypt as on the brink of ...
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Local muslim community reacts to terror arrest
Altabaa says the extremist views expressed in the student's blog and his alleged plot do not reflect Islam's central tenets. The Imam said he and others fear that as mainstream Muslims, they will also become suspect in the eyes of many who know little ...
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Blogs1 new result for Islam news
ADL: Beck Comparing Reform Judaism To 'Radicalized Islam' Is ...
By admin
Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League has responded to Glenn Beck's comment on Tuesday which likened Reform Judaism to "radicalized Islam." Foxman said in a statement Wednesday that Beck's comments demonstrate his "bigoted ignorance.
Daily News -

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