Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Angry Indonesian Muslims burn churches, police car in blasphemy protest
Los Angeles Times
The 58-year-old Antonius Richmond Bawengan was found guilty of distributing books and leaflets that "spread hatred about Islam" and sentenced to five years ...
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Dutch politician renews attack on Islam
Financial Times
Mr Wilders faces charges before the court of Amsterdam that his anti-Islamic statements have led to discrimination against Muslims in the Netherlands. ...
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Muslims to Be Congressional Hearings' Main Focus
New York Times
Mr. King said he had changed his mind about summoning as a witness Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born feminist critic of Islam who became a member of Parliament ...
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Egypt: Scholars warn democracy and Islam Sharia law aren't compatible (video)
Probing the question,"Is Democracy and Islam compatible," today Fox News analyst, Peter Johnson, warned that most "scholarly research over the years" has ...
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Hope on the Nile: Islam Does Not Have All the Answers
Islam puts extraordinary emphasis upon the idea of justice — the earthbound quid pro quo that a man can expect in a righteous life. This sense of justice, ...
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Sowing the Seeds of Democracy in Islamic Countries
The Takeaway
But are Islam and democracy mutually exclusive? Or can the two function together? What will the intersection between Islam and democracy in the Middle East ...
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Islam and the Prospect of World War Three
AXcess News
Almost from its beginning, Islam has been a religion divided by warring camps. The tragedy of Islam is that Muslims are far more likely to die at the hands ...
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AXcess News
Is Muslim Brotherhood shaped by 1950s views?
USA Today
He warned fellow Muslims to look to Islam, not the West, for solutions to their problems. "Yet there are people — exponents of Islam — who are defeated ...
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Middle East expert discusses 'Can Islam and Democracy Coexist?' Thursday
The Daily News Journal
Achilov, assistant professor of political science at East Tennessee State University, will discuss "Can Islam and Democracy Coexist? ...
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ZBA postpones mosque revisit
Chicago Sun-Times
By Susan Frick Carlman scarlman@stmedianetwork.com Feb 7, 2011 09:21PM The application process for an Islamic worship center near West Chicago has been ...
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Blogs5 new results for Islam news
Cyber chatting against Islam, says Malaysian preacher
Cyber chatting against Islam, says Malay...Preacher and motivational speaker Mohammed Zawawi ...It is akin to committing 'khalwat' (close proximit...Khalwat and other offences under the Islamic law a...They carry out raids, ...
Daily People & Society News - http://www.prokerala.com/news/people/
Time In U.S. Shaped Influential Muslim Brotherhood Member's Views ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
By Omar SacirbeyReligion News Service (RNS) Is the jazz standard "Baby It's Cold Outside" a heart-warming ode to winter romance or the worst example of American hedonism? After hearing the song at a Colorado church dance in the 1940s, ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thenewswire/
Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -At last, Islam's appeasers may be on ...
The world has become a constant source of surprise for diplomats and ministers, as each news bulletins lands a fresh blow on their crumbling certainties. " Tunisia, who knew?" "Egypt? Egypt! WTF?" So lost has Whitehall become, ...
NOW Lebanon - http://www.nowlebanon.com/NewsCatArticles.aspx?ID=143
Islam in the News: Feb 2011
By Daniel Araujo
1) "Hena, who was sentenced under Islamic Shariah law, was accused of having an affair with a 40-year-old married cousin, although her family and neighbors said the man had in fact raped her. The man's family beat up Hena and then ...
Nothing is Irrelevant - http://nothingisirrelevant.blogspot.com/
Study of Religions Department History of Islam in Ireland Seminar ...
By News Circular
elsewhere in non-Islamic states, I explore key discourses surrounding the expansion of the educational landscape to include Muslim schools. In the Republic of Ireland, where the. Muslim population is just over 32000, there are currently ...
Muslim C Lobby Ireland لوبي... - http://muslimcommunitylobbyireland.blogspot.com/

Web1 new result for Islam news
Iran's leader hails "Islamic" uprising in Arab world - Yahoo! News
Iran's supreme leader saluted on Friday what he termed an "Islamic liberation movement" in the Arab world, and advised the people of Egypt and Tunisia to ...

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