Monday, February 7, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News8 new results for Conservatives
Hudak flip-flops on health-care premium
Globe and Mail
Ontario's Progressive Conservatives have flip-flopped on a key plank in their election platform, backtracking on a pledge to keep the controversial ...
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Globe and Mail
'You can't be a conservative and a Democrat'
Politico (blog)
"I think the midterms showed you really can't be a conservative and be a member of the Democratic Party," Bell said. I DISAGREE. ...
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Conservatives turn on Glenn Beck over 'caliphate' conspiracy theory
Like Limbaugh, many conservatives and Republicans likely disagree with much of Beck's harsh rhetoric and ultra-conservative positions. However, few, if any, ...
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Does Sarah Palin support a gay GOP group?
USA Today
By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY Does Sarah Palin support GOProud, a gay group at the center of a dispute about the nation's largest gathering of conservatives? ...
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USA Today
Pawlenty opens conservative series in Iowa
San Antonio Express
Tim Pawlenty touted his evangelical background and offered a sharply conservative social message as he opened a lecture series sponsored by politically ...
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Paul added to conservative group's presidential lecture series
... Texas Congressman Ron Paul is the latest potential presidential candidate to agree to a lecture series sponsored by social and religious conservatives. ...
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House conservatives ready to cut
AP Photo Close By JONATHAN ALLEN & JAKE SHERMAN | 2/7/11 4:42 AM EST Updated: 2/7/11 6:09 AM EST It's finally slash-and-burn time for conservatives, ...
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Tea Party senator draws praise for budget amendment
USA Today
Mike Lee, a favorite of the Tea Party movement, is getting kudos from a key group of conservatives. The Club for Growth saluted the freshman Utah Republican ...
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USA Today

Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
CPAC Confidential: Because Small-Government Conservatives Think ...
By Nick Gillespie
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is head of the Republican Study Committee, the group that's supposed to be the conscience of the GOP when it comes to limiting.
Hit & Run -
House conservatives to pitch new committee that exists only to cut ...
With the 112th Congress in full swing, some members of the House's conservative Republican Study Committee are making a renewed effort to establish a committee whose only purpose is to find programs to cut from the federal budget. ...
The Daily Caller - Breaking News,... -
Canadian Conservatives Are My Kind Of Conservative - A Good Beer Blog
By Alan McLeod
Political culture is a weird thing. It doesn't translate well from nation to nation and leaving the words associated with themselves rather meaningless. Conservative or liberal? Anarchist or patriot? Who know what any of this stuff ...
A Good Beer Blog -
The Limited Intellect of Reagan Conservatives Threatens America
By Rmuse
Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney praise Reagan as the savior of America; do they really believe the lies they are disseminating?
Politicususa -
Conservatives celebrate their Reagan myths | theCLog
By John Grooms
Reagan is also usually portrayed by conservatives as the King of Tax Cuts. He did institute a sweeping tax cut — mostly for the wealthy, big corporations and the oil industry — in 1981; and he also lowered taxes a tiny bit in his last ...
theCLog -

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