Friday, February 11, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
A sensible debate about radical Islam
Atlanta Journal Constitution
To establish the proper framework for this inquiry and his own credibility to lead it, King must acknowledge the difference between radical Islam that ...
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Baltimore Police, African-American Muslims Forge a Relationship
Voice of America
African Americans first introduced Islam to the east coast city of Baltimore 65 years ago. Today, more than 60 percent of the city's 630000 residents are ...
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In Malaysia, Watch Out for the Valentine's Day Police
Wall Street Journal (blog)
In 2005, a National Fatwa Council issued an edict saying Valentine's Day was forbidden in Islam because it has Christian elements that go against the ...
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Indonesia arrests 13 over religious violence
Five people have been detained over the brutal lynching of three members of a minority Islamic sect in West Java on Sunday, after graphic footage of the ...
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Religion Run Amok
Wall Street Journal
Mobs struck again on Tuesday after the sentencing of a Catholic man accused of blaspheming Islam. Believing the judge's verdict to be too lenient, ...
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Saudi-Bangladesh ties to reach new heights, says envoy
Arab News
"We have more room for Bangladeshi products in the Kingdom that could find an easy market," Islam said, adding that his country exports pharmaceutical ...
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Arab News
Egyptians Hate America and Want Islamic Rule
Fort Liberty
Among Egyptian Muslims polled, 85% felt that Islam's role in politics was a positive one. In a struggle between modernizers and Islamist fundamentalists, ...
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Free Markets Can Free Egypt
Fox Business
Are we in for a major shift to Islamic extremism, like we got from Iran after the '79 revolution? Or is it more like the fall of the Berlin Wall in '89, ...
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Militant Islam creeping into mainstream
Cleveland Jewish News
Unexpectedly, a student stood up, pointed an accusing finger at me and angrily shouted, "You are forbidden to say anything about Muslims or Islam. ...
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E-mails flood Yorba Linda City Hall over Muslim speakers
The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) promotes "connections between Islam and the public" and "works closely with many national interfaith ...
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Blogs2 new results for Islam news
Women in Islam
By poersz
Women in Islam for an item not equal treatment, as their Western colleagues do and Islam treatment of women has immense controversy late. Some believe that Islam's treatment of women not really unfair or even that its the correct way to ...
Best News Site -
The Muslim Brotherhood gets a PR makeover from the Obama ...
By Nile Gardiner
Unsavoury organisations usually pay large amounts of money to glitzy PR firms to improve their public image. In the case of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood however, the Obama administration has offered its services for free.
News -

Web2 new results for Islam news
YUSUF Islam » News » Stockholm...Road back home
Official web site for Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens), acclaimed singer- songwriter, humanitarian and philanthropist.
Islamic World News
Islamic World News 10 Feb 2011, NewAgeIslam. .... resemblances in movements led by Gandhi and Khamenei New Age Islam News Bureau New Delhi: One resemblance ...

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