Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Why Do Progressives Favor Regulation -- and Should We?
Huffington Post (blog)
One of the key differences between Progressives and Conservatives is their attitudes about government regulation. The former tend to favor it, the latter to ...
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Progressives Rally Against Koch Bros
Care2.com (blog)
If the events this past weekend outside of Palm Springs, California are any indication, progressives may finally be pushing back against conservative and ...
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Care2.com (blog)
Video: Pa. Progressive Summit - a good idea
People's World
After the 2010 elections it's a good bet that much of the battle for a progressive agenda shifts dramatically to state and local arenas. ...
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People's World
Assignment: Ukiah - Put on your tinfoil hat, dude!
Ukiah Daily Journal
They've rebranded and are now born-again as "progressives." It is an odd choice of words. There is nothing in the current leftwing bag of tricks that even ...
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Public forum Wednesday night will tackle school vouchers issue
Evansville Courier & Press
Speakers at Wednesday's event will be Paul Swanson, principal of West Elementary School in Mount Vernon, on behalf of the progressives group; ...
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Progressives, Unite -- War is Still the Health of the State
First task for progressives: let's undermine the rightwing religion and worship of the State by questioning outdated national symbols that reek of the 19th ...
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"Progressive" Democrats Have Missed Another Opportunity
Fantasy-football candidate-picking, foot-dragging, and dismissals of existing progressive political parties in favor of trying to start a brand new one from ...
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Obama's SOTU
Saipan Tribune
Left are radicals, progressives, and liberals; right are conservatives, defenders, and protectors of the status quo. This dichotomy lends itself more to ...
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Union Leader Hints at Violence: "We Have an Agenda Worth Fighting for, Take to ...
Weasel Zippers
Recently at the Pennsylvania Progressive Summit, Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers, gave a speech admitting that the Labor Movement will work ...
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Blogs5 new results for Progressives
Blind Progressives — IGF Culture Watch
By Stephen H. Miller
In the San Diego Gay & Lesbian News, a progressive outfit called Courage Campaign states: This weekend in Rancho Mirage, Calif., the Koch brothers—key funders of California's anti-environment Prop 23 as well as the Tea Party, ...
IGF Culture Watch - http://igfculturewatch.com/
Highway robbery: The progressives' devious plan to make the rich ...
By editor
The socialists have devised a devious plan to create progressive driving rates, where the rich will pay more per mile of driving than the poor.
I Hate the Media Article Feed - http://www.ihatethemedia.com/
Are You Sick And Tire Of Progressives, And Their Secular ...
By Admin
All these progressives with their civil rights, pro-peace, pro-humanitarian, pro -secularism, pro-education, pro-gay rights, pro-animal rights, pro- environmentalist, pro-diversity, pro-multiculturalism, affirmative action, pro freedom of ...
Free Movies - http://freemoviesandtvshowslive.com/
Network of Spiritual Progressives in Maryland: Greater DC NSP
New DC Metro Chapter of the Network of Spiritual Progressives. Join us Sat. Feb 5 from 2 to 4 pm. The Festival Center 1640 Columbia Rd NW, Washington, DC 20009 for planning on a major Chapter Launch event Mon March 11 ...
Network of Spiritual Progressives... - http://nspmd.blogspot.com/
Progressive Libertarians Apace — Babel Krieg
By Douglas Lucas
RawStory discusses the nascent "progressive libertarian" alliance foreseen by trends analysts. I like the idea of such a movement. If you have no clue where you fall in poly-sci pidgeonhole terminology, take this handy-dandy, ...
Babel Krieg - http://www.douglaslucas.com/blog/

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