Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Senate Caucus Leader Mike Lee on Health Care Ruling: "Congress ...
CBS News
Freshman Senator and Tea Party favorite Mike Lee (R-Utah) is one of the 47 senators who've signed on to co-sponsored Sen. Jim DeMint's (RS. ...
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Tea Party Shadows Health Care Ruling
New York Times
... after ruling it was unconstitutional to require citizens to buy health insurance — saw in the language a deliberate nod to the Tea Party movement. ...
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Tea Party Sen. Believes Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Ruling
CBS News
Tea Party Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) spoke with CBS News senior political producer Jill Jackson about a Florida judge's ruling that the Affordable Care Act ...
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The Tea Party and Younger Adults
The Exception Magazine
By Andrew Ian Dodge | February 01, 2011 There is a strong urge to attract younger adults into the Tea Party movement. In some states, the Tea Party movement ...
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The Exception Magazine
Rick Scott to unveil Tea Party budget
BY MARC CAPUTO The new Republican governor reached out to tea-party organizers to host a budget-rollout event Monday in Eustis, a rural heartland town about ...
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Tea Party's O'Donnell returns $20K in campaign funds
USA Today
O'Donnell, a Tea Party favorite who lost the Delaware Senate race, refunded $19713 in November and December, reports Nicole Gaudiano of the Gannett ...
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USA Today
Tea Party congressman clashes over Islam at town hall
CNN International
The confrontation came as West, an Iraq War veteran who was backed by the Tea Party in last November's election, took questions from constituents. ...
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NJ Tea Party convention is slated for Mercer County
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
in response to a speaker at a Tax Day Tea Party protest in front of the Statehouse in Trenton; part of a chain of demonstrations across the country. ...
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The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
Notice about the Tea Party in the Southern Tier of New York
We have received news from the Southern Tier Tea Party (STTP) in reference to the scheduled meeting for Feb 1st. Originally the 1st was to be the date of ...
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Indian River County TEA Party to present group's plans Feb. 16
By staff report VERO BEACH — Toby Hill of the Indian River County TEA Party will address the group's plans for 2011-2012 at the Republican Women for the ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Chris Matthews: The tea party's playing a role not unlike the ...
By Allahpundit
Just as the tea party represents populist discontent with the impure Republican establishment, so too does the Ikhwan represent populist discontent in Egypt with the infidel Mubarak. So, it's kind of like saying Obama is like Sayyid ...
Hot Air » Top Picks - http://www.hotair.com/
AOMID » Tea Party Movement: Here To Stay Or Passing Cliche
By Debra Jones
So far, the tea party has managed to emerge as a quixotic, if amorphous, force largely focused on economic issues, but imbued by strains of past xenophobic movements and simmering with culture war issues like "God, guns, and gays," says ...
AOMID - http://aomid.com/
For Progressives, Freedom is Treason | Tea Party Tribune ...
By mrcurmudgeon
One protester carried a sign reading, "Koch Kills Democracy," while another announced, "Tea Party Founded and Funded by the Koch's." The angry crowd, which numbered around 1000, was bused in from Los Angeles, descending on the sleepy ...
Tea Party Tribune - Political... - http://www.teapartytribune.com/
The Right Coast: Tea party or Kristallnacht? Tom Smith
By Tom Smith
In Egypt, I mean. Is the popular uprising there a sign of democracy rising and a triumph of liberal values, or is it the beginning of another Islamic dictatorship. The view from Israel is pessimistic indeed. I don't know what...
The Right Coast - http://rightcoast.typepad.com/rightcoast/
Poll: 70% Say Use TEA Party Ideas | Blogs For Victory
By Mark Noonan
This doesn't mean the TEA Party gets to call the shots, but it does mean that this movement of the American people must have its voice heard in all debates. Any attempt to shove it out or to cut deals with the left behind closed, ...
Blogs For Victory - http://blogsforvictory.com/

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Americans Believe GOP Should Consider Tea Party Ideas
About 7 in 10 national adults, including 88% of Republicans, say it's important that Republican leaders in Congress take the Tea Party movement's positions ...

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