Monday, February 7, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
The Green Bay Packers: A Team for Progressives
The Nation.
Dave Zirin, sports editor for The Nation, joins Laura Flanders the day before the Super Bowl on Grit TV to discuss the role of progressives in sports and ...
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The real effect of 'Reaganomics'
The Guardian
In Reagan's caricature, the central divide between progressives and conservatives is that progressives trust the government to make key decisions on ...
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The Guardian
CA-36: A big opportunity, and test, for Progressives
Following up on Steve's post on Jane Harman's pending resignation from the House of Representatives, allow me to further underscore the ideological stakes ...
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STUMPTALK: Progressives misunderstand spending
Crossville Chronicle
And so it is with the progressives' desire to spend all of the American Treasury and borrow more from those who would put America into involuntary servitude ...
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Huffington Uncorks a New Wine
So what does the Huffington Post AOL merger mean for progressives? In her blog post today, Huffington assures us the transformation will be positive. ...
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Serbia opposition calls for early elections
"The Progressives [the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS)] are the most serious opposition party here, but at this moment they may not have enough popular ...
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End of the DLC era
Politico (blog)
"One of the things that's happening right now in Democratic politics is that progressives are winning the battle for the party," said Progressive Congress ...
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Fayose, Arise, others make INEC list
Nigerian Compass
The list of candidates for the All Progressives Grand Alliance was not released. In Kano, Mohammed Abacha, son of the late Head of State, General Sani ...
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When conservatism reigned
Daily Caller
And if the pursuit of "progressive" policies to address a subsequent recession produced prolonged stagnation — which also happened — wouldn't we benefit ...
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LETTER: Stark differences
The Northwest Florida Daily News
There are stark differences between conservatives and progressives. The obvious one is the difference between the political parties — Republicans and ...
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Blogs5 new results for Progressives
Dean Baker: If Progressives Wanted to Win
By Dean Baker
The right uses government all the time to advance its interest by setting rules that redistribute income upward. As long as progressives ignore these rules, they will be left fighting over crumbs.
Bailout on The Huffington Post -
Dean Baker: If Progressives Wanted to Win – ArticlesInbox
By admin
As we mark the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth, his most important legacy has gone largely overlooked. Reagan helped to put a caricature of politics...
ArticlesInbox -
If Progressives Wanted to Win | All Global News on One Page
By Journalist
In Reagan's caricature, the central divide between progressives and conservatives is that progressives trust the government to make key decisions on production and distribution, while conservatives trust the market. ...
All Global News on One Page -
Back to the Future: Progressives, Repression, and the Echoes of ...
By Truth is Contagious
The main thing, say the progressive Democratic president's advisers, is to restore order in the short term while pressing the regime to institute some " political reforms" to ease public anger in the long term. ...
Truth is Contagious -
Where is the NAACP at when Progressives threaten Justice Clarence ...
By Scotty Starnes
The NAACP won't directly address the racism displayed by progressive protesters outside a summit hosted by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch at the end of January in Palm Springs, Calif., but the organization did call for an ...
Scotty Starnes's Blog -

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