Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Poll: In Race To Replace Harman, Progressives Say They Have The Edge
A new poll from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee shows voters in the southern California district soon to be vacated by Rep. Jane Harman (D) are ready to support a candidate who's going to protect traditional entitlement programs like Social ...
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Time for a Progressive Primary?
Huffington Post (blog)
As Mr. Obama marches steadily right, from his initial position right-of-center, where does that leave liberals and progressives who still believe in the role of government to protect and enhance our democracy? The political environment has heard ...
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Wisconsin's Troubling Message for Progressives
Beyond Chron
A Republican Governor is using the 2010 election results as a mandate for attacks on organized labor, a key progressive and Democratic Party constituency. Yet after Democrats won far greater voter support for change in the 2008 national elections, ...
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Beyond Chron
Meet Paul Baumbach: Newark man elected president of Delaware Progressive Dems
Brandywine East Community News
Baumbach wanted to work hard for the left, who he calls progressives. "I felt that I could either complain or do something about it," Baumbach said. "So I began by becoming better informed." He knocked on doors for presidential candidate John Kerry in ...
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Pueblo Politics: Tea party plans to counter new local progressive movement
Arizona Daily Star (blog)
The day after the Progressive Democrats of America kicked off its new Tucson chapter to counter the tea party, the tea party is now planning its own response. Tucson Tea Party organizer Trent Humphries sent out a message to supporters on Facebook today ...
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Local progressives hold 1st rally
Arizona Daily Star
Such was the message to some 300 unapologetic progressives who filled the seats and lined the walls two rows deep at a west-side YWCA at the inaugural meeting of the Tucson chapter of the Progressive Democrats of America. With liberals underwhelmed by ...
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Russ Feingold's PAC, Progressives United, Working for Campaign Reform
Feingold's PAC, Progressives United, launched on February 16 as an "effort dedicated to mitigating the effects of, and eventually overturning, the Citizens United decision ... [and] to elect leaders at all levels of government who will stand up for ...
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Wisconsin's Teachable Moment<br />
When liberal Democrats such as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton boast that they are "progressives," we are left to guess whether they identify with LaFollette, Teddy Roosevelt, or the later Marxist-socialist-run Progressive Party defeated by ...
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Public broadcasting improves us
Albany Times Union (blog)
... America to be smart," Steves says. gunga dan: "Stay classy and keep hating, gunga. I know, it's in your DNA." Are you saying hatred is a... iknowtruthismine: gunga dan – You would be surprised at how concerned progressives and Liberals are about the...
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Blogs2 new results for Progressives
small dead animals: Mathematically Challenged "Progressives"
By Robert
Mathematically Challenged "Progressives". A friend of a friend posted the following on Facebook: Are you sick of highly paid teachers? Teachers' hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year! ...
small dead animals - http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/
Doctors who defrauded WI taxpayers can't expect cover from some ...
By Darleen
Doctors who defrauded WI taxpayers can't expect cover from some Progressives [ Darleen Click] … even as, lord knows, Ford Vox tries. Family doctors work the front lines advocating for our interests amidst a disintegrating health care ...
protein wisdom - http://proteinwisdom.com/

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