Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
John Thune isn't running for president. Who will make the first move?
Christian Science Monitor
Then there are the third-tier folks (per University of Virginia politics-watcher Larry Sabato), like former Sen. Rick Santorum and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who bring credentials to the table but also some liabilities. ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Govt to review visa policy for US personnel
The Nation, Pakistan
Highly-placed sources further revealed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior have strictly been directed by the Prime Minister's Secretariat to immediately update the data about the presence of US personnel in Pakistan. ...
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The Nation, Pakistan
Yes, Prime Minister Explains US Foreign Policy
The Weekly Standard (blog)
Even decades later, the classic BBC shows Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister remain illuminating and biting commentaries on modern politics. All of the discussion regarding the lackluster US response to the crisis in Libya reminds me of this great ...
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Huffington Post
What all the above-mentioned states have in common is that their congressional delegations voted against the majority of past free-trade agreements presented to the US Congress. And despite their political votes in one or both houses of Congress, ...
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The Raymond Davis Case: Killings by CIA Operative Strain US-Pakistan Ties
Politics Daily
The Pakistani government, led by President Asif Ali-Zardari, has been increasingly under pressure from domestic political forces to resist American intervention. Davis' case, says Katulis, "plays into Pakistan's internal politics. ...
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Obama Touts Economic Plan in Ohio
Voice of America
Photo: AP President Barack Obama took time out Tuesday from dealing with the Middle East turmoil and other crises to focus on the US economy and politics. The president visited the politically important state of Ohio to promote his plan to boost ...
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New 21st Century Politics: Getting Gov't Out Of Way
Investor's Business Daily
The built-in tax increases will destroy us! This is insane! Harsh words? Yes indeed. But not nearly so harsh as Obama's cynical "policy choices" — from health care to energy to environment — that are doing so much easily foreseeable (and easily ...
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Who Ya Gonna Call? Most Likely, Bill Clinton
Fox News
After the defeat, Roosevelt went on an expedition in South America and later returned to the political arena again as a fierce critic of Wilson. Taft became a US Supreme Court justice. John Quincy Adams also remained very much in the public eye, ...
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Fox News
The Obama Administration's Clueless Trade Diplomacy
Huffington Post (blog)
In 2008, the United States spent $2.3 billion on its various Aid for Trade programs, and it remains official US policy to be "the largest single-country provider of trade-related assistance, including development of trade-related physical ...
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The Means of Coercion
Wall Street Journal
The term "progressive" has been batted around in various incarnations over the last decade, but in its original sense in US politics--the sense popularized by the Wisconsin Progressives and the spinoffs from their movement--progressivism was about ...
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Blogs3 new results for U.S. Politics
American Solutions for Winning the Future: Republican Newt ...
During the past five years, Gingrich has raised about $52 million for his tax- exempt political committee, including $28.2 million during 2009 and 2010, according to a Center for Responsive Politics analysis. During the 2008 election ...
OpenSecrets Blog - http://www.opensecrets.org/news/
US Sen. John Thune won't run against Obama in 2012 - Election ...
US Sen. John Thune won't run against Obama in 2012 - U.S. Sen. John Thune said Tuesday that he won't join.
Politics & Government - http://townhall.com/news/politics-elections
2012 Republican sweepstakes: Thune out, waiting for Huntsman ...
By Tabassum Zakaria
USA-POLITICS/REPUBLICANS "There is a battle to be waged over what kind of country we are going to leave our children and grandchildren and that battle is happening now in Washington, not two years from now," Thune said. ...
Front Row Washington - http://blogs.reuters.com/frontrow/

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
US Must Redefine Mideast Foreign Policy - Digg
Egypt protests present Washington with the chance redefine US foreign policy and consider engaging with the Muslim Brotherhood and other moderate Islamist ...

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