Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Progressives in Congress voice support for Wisconsin lawmakers
Workday Minnesota
By Barb Kucera, Workday editor MINNEAPOLIS - Leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, including Congressman Keith Ellison, D-Minn., voiced support Wednesday for Wisconsin Democrats, who said they will continue to "stand firm" against Governor ...
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Workday Minnesota
"Heads They Win, Tails We Lose:" Media Narrative Ensures that Progressives ...
Beyond Chron
With an Orwellian twist, progressives are always doomed to fail – if we allow the mainstream "news analysis" to re-write political history. The 2006 elections – where Democrats re-gained control of both houses of Congress – was an historic moment that ...
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Boomerang: Attacks on the Tea Party Coming Back Around on Progressives
Hot Air
The left spent 18 months building up a media image of the Tea Party as racist, angry, violent and hateful based on a handful of intemperate signs and statements (and lots of insinuation). Now, just in the month of February, every bit of that image has ...
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Blessed are the peacemakers and progressives in APC-NA
The APC Government remains attentive, particularly; knowing that, singing with the opposition parties in a pre-election adventurism will result in "political suicide" for this progressive Government, ; it's just politically incorrect, anyways we look ...
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The mainstreaming of radical Islam
Daily Caller
They comprise: secular "progressives" (including the liberal media); pinko anarchists and other Berkeley-types; President Obama and his motley stable of cracked czars and policy advisors; and the majority of Democrats in Congress. ...
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Waiting for progressives to fight back.
Toronto Star Blogs (blog)
And you would know - or should have known - from the Clinton early-years experience that these folks would seek to discredit your progressive agenda from the get-go. The forces of reaction protested. They found, in their vocabulary, a way of powerfully ...
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No Surprises: Rahm Wins in Chicago
In These Times
Progressive urban politics: Reformers in Chicago in the '60s and '70s called themselves "independents," un-bought by and opposed to machine rule. With the Washington movement, progressives identified as fighting for the interests of neighborhoods and ...
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Opposition parties and politics of botched alliances
The Nation Newspaper
Shedding light on the disunity in the fold, Raheed Shita-Bey, the presidential candidate of the light weight Mega Progressives Peoples Party (MPPP), said the parties and politicians are separated by ego, personality clashes, rivalry and competition. ...
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The Liberal Lack of Persuasion
dagblog (blog)
by Orion 2/23/2011 - 9:42 pm Like Genghis, I have been immersed in the world of the Right, a world that most progressives only hear about second hand. Unlike Genghis, I was not immersed in it because I was writing a polemical book on the subject but ...
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A budget cut warning from Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs has weighed in on the federal budget battle, and the investment bank that progressives love to despise is singing sweet music for opponents of severe Republican budget cuts. The Republican plan to slash government spending by $61 billion ...
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Blogs1 new result for Progressives
Boomerang: Attacks on the Tea Party Coming Back Around on ...
By John
Boomerang: Attacks on the Tea Party Coming Back Around on Progressives. John on February 23, 2011 at 3:47 pm. The left spent 18 months building up a media image of the Tea Party as racist, angry, violent and hateful based on a handful ...
Verum Serum -

Web2 new results for Progressives
The Last Refuge Of The Progressives | RedState
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." - Isaac Asimov from Foundation In light of the tragic shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords by.
Wisconsin's Troubling Message for Progressives | LA Progressive
Democrats will win elections by playing not to lose, but these victories will not change the country's fundamental direction.

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