Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
BC Liberals cancel 6000 memberships
The BC Liberals' leadership candidates are, from the left, Christy Clark, George Abbott, Kevin Falcon and Mike de Jong. (CBC) About 6000 would-be BC Liberal members have been stricken from the party's membership rolls and will not be casting ballots in ...
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NSW Liberals to oppose carbon tax if elected
The Australian
"What I've done is speak to two Liberal premiers who were there," Mr O'Farrell said. "I've heard (Queensland Labor Premier) Anna Bligh say they (the two Liberal premiers) are going to go back, they're going to check the fine print to ensure that both ...
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Liberals stay on the attack over alleged government secrecy
Toronto Sun
By BRYN WEESE, Parliamentary Bureau OTTAWA — Another day, another Liberal MP attacking the Conservatives for allegedly being too secretive and wasteful with public money. Liberal defence critic Dominic LeBlanc lashed out at the government Wednesday ...
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Ontario looking at new liquor rules
Hamilton Spectator
Liberals eye looser liquor laws Burlington's Ribfest at Spencer Smith Park has not had a beer tent for the last 10 years, but organizers say they have never had a problem as beer drinkers move around in the completely fenced area. ...
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Against all odds, Charest appears determined to soldier on
National Post
His Liberals have been stuck well behind the Opposition Parti Québécois in opinion polls for more than a year, and his personal popularity is even lower than his party's. Opposition politicians spoke of a swan song. But against all odds, ...
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Liberals focus on finances, but offer no details
Globe and Mail
Determined not to leave the economy as a winning issue for the Conservatives, daily attacks from Michael Ignatieff and his Liberal MPs increasingly have a financial theme. On the key economic issues – taxes, pensions, government spending – they say the ...
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Globe and Mail
NDP leadership front-runners take stand on environmental issues; Liberals silent
Vancouver Sun
But where all Liberal leadership hopefuls stand on the same environmental issues is anyone's guess. None of the four remaining Liberal leadership candidates responded to a list of 10 environmental policy questions submitted by The Vancouver Sun on Feb. ...
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Harper bowing to US in border talks, Liberals say
Montreal Gazette
By MEAGAN FITZPATRICK, Postmedia News February 23, 2011 Talk about a new border accord with the United States is focused too much on security and not enough on trade, the Opposition Liberals said yesterday, accusing the Conservative government of ...
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Voters punish dissent in the ranks
The Australian
THE federal Liberal Party's recent infighting is a stark reminder of the fragile alliances and uneasy relationships within political parties. So close to government and contemptuous of their opponents, the Liberals think they have the luxury of ...
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Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Liberals, Conservatives, and Science | The Intersection | Discover ...
By Chris Mooney
Conservatives and Science | So I have now scanned through the large volume of responses to this post, in which I asked why it is that scientists seem, on average, to be significantly more.
The Intersection -
Stephen Moore Tells Hannity Liberals are Gaddafi Supporters
By Hrafnkell Haraldsson
Stephen Moore was on Sean Hannity's show to spin some new history, that Gaddafi has received support for decades from American liberals.
Politicususa -
RealClearPolitics - Veteran Republicans Fear Tea Party, Liberals ...
By The Hill
Some House Republicans fear that a new coalition is forming between Tea Party- backed GOP freshmen and liberal Democrats to slash funding for the Pentagon. Congressional sources told The Hill that some House Republicans are concerned ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage -
The trouble with liberals… |
By utahprez
As far as selective memory, a goldfish has a total memory recall of 3 seconds, liberals apparently have slightly less. That explains why they can support every fad, pipe dream and polemic that spills from the mouths of their leaders. ... -
Liberals Now Crank Calling Gov. Walker | Verum Serum
By John
Liberals Now Crank Calling Gov. Walker. John on February 23, 2011 at 8:52 am. Some idiot called Governor Walker impersonating one of the Koch brothers. In case you've missed it, this has been the left's big retort, i.e. that the Koch ...
Verum Serum -

Web1 new result for Liberals
Clueless In Wisconsin: Socialists March by Liberals Ridiculing ...
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