Friday, February 11, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Contenders Back Tea-Party Message
Wall Street Journal
By PATRICK O'CONNOR WASHINGTON—House Republican leaders got a rude jolt from tea-party insurgents on the budget this week, but potential GOP presidential ...
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Maine Tea Party leader to challenge Snowe in 2012
Atlanta Journal Constitution
AP PORTLAND, Maine — The Maine coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots says he will run against US Sen. Olympia Snowe in the 2012 Republican primary. ...
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McEntee: Orrin Hatch embraces the far right — but will it work?
Salt Lake Tribune
Rand Paul and Michele Bachmann, is a tea party darling, that could spell adios for Hatch when party zealots take up their brooms again. ...
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Mitt Romney and the Tea Party: It's Complicated
Mother Jones
While most of the other candidates hoping to run for the White House in 2012 have gone out of their way to prove their tea party bona fides, Romney has kept ...
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What the Tea Party And Evangelicals Both Get Wrong
Huffington Post (blog)
Tea Party politicians arranged for the Constitution to be read out loud in the House of Representatives last month. The recitation of America's founding ...
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Inside the tea party's new magazine
Washington Post
And now comes Tea Party Review, claiming to speak for, to and with America's latest political movement. The inaugural issue, released Friday at the ...
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GOP veteran: Tea Party freshmen may rue $100B in cuts
The Hill (blog)
By Erik Wasson - 02/11/11 04:59 PM ET The $100 billion in budget-cuts being forced by Tea Party freshmen may come back to haunt them, a veteran lawmaker and ...
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Tea party to host Hermiston meeting
Hermiston Herald
Heppner resident Dick Sargent, chairman of the Willow Creek Tea Party Patriots, said the Willow Creek branch began to mull the possibilities of expanding ...
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Will Palin Announce Presidential Bid at Tea Party Conference?
Mother Jones (blog)
The Tea Party Patriots, arguably the nation's largest tea party umbrella group, is holding a "policy summit" in Phoenix at the end of the month to help ...
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Conservative Activists Uncertain About 2012 GOP Field
Fox News
"There are a lot of plusses and minuses," said Steve Allen, editor of the new Tea Party Review, which was being launched at CPAC this weekend. ...
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Fox News

Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Meet Olympia Snowe's New Hard Rocking Tea Party Challenger | TPMDC
By Benjy Sarlin
Maine moderate Olympia Snowe, whose Senate seat has long been considered vulnerable in a Republican primary, has a new Tea Party challenger: Andrew Ian Dodge.
TPM Election Central -
CPAC 2011: Tea Party Welcomed By GOP
By The Huffington Post News Editors
WASHINGTON — GOP to tea party: Welcome to OUR party. Not so long ago, the Republican Party and its conservative base weren't sure what to make of – or how to treat – the emerging rabble-rousing ranks of the latest political phenomenon.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed -
Tea Party activist calls Sen. Snowe 'almost as bad' as Obama ...
By cnnrs
Washington (CNN) - A Tea Party activist, well known in Maine, announced that he will try to oust his state's senior Republican senator. And now Andrew Ian Dodge is repeating a favorite line of conservatives: "I consider her almost as ...
CNN Political Ticker -
Sen. Snowe to see election challenge from tea party organizer ...
By William P. Davis
Maine news, sports, politics and election results, and obituaries. The Bangor Daily News is your source for breaking news in Maine and up-to-the-second election results.
Bangor Daily News -
Tea Party to Target Snowe
"Snowe enjoys tremendous popularity across the political spectrum in her home state, but she has irritated Maine's small and disjointed tea party movement for her willingness to work with Democrats. Pine Tree State conservatives have ...
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire -

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