Friday, February 4, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Forestry shows us what is wrong with UK politics
The Guardian (blog)
Forestry is an example of what is wrong with our politics. The vast majority of people want to see forests here and abroad protected. But instead of action, ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Was Ronald Reagan a good president?
Christian Science Monitor
By Peter Grier, Staff writer / February 4, 2011 Ronald Reagan was a polarizing political figure. To his supporters, he was a giant – a US president who won ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Defending Mitchell Block – And Us – From Oscar Politics
Movie City News
I don't want to be doing this. And I am going to keep it as simple as possible, because I think that whatever damage has been done to Mr. Block's reputation ...
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US Officials Giving Mixed Signals About Way Forward in Egypt
Fox News
AP As Egypt teeters between a state of political reform and anarchy, US officials are giving increasingly mixed signals about what steps should be taken to ...
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Fox News
Rabobank FX: Global Daily, US Payrolls, EU Politics
US initial jobless claims were moderately better than expected while Dec factory orders and Jan ISM non-manufacturing data also surprised on the upside. ...
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A Visual History of US Political Parties
The Timeplot provides a new lens into American political history; it is not intended to be absorbed at a glance, but rather to be visited and revisited over ...
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Michael Scheuer says that Obama should have kept his "big mouth" shut on Egypt
The former CIA analyst was basically making the point that Obama and the US in a broader sense have no good options with Egypt. That's certainly true when ...
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Daniel W. Drezner: The continued hostility to political science
Foreign Policy
Perhaps a few months or years from now political science will help us clarify what happened in Egypt over this past week, and it may even look back and ...
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US principles clash with its interests
Financial Times
But such arrangements tell us only about the political class. In a well-functioning democracy, control of politics does not just belong to those with an ...
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Central Banks Now Creating Hyperinflation?
Right Side News
Central banks have pumped something like US$20 to US$50 TRILLION into the world's economy to try to reinflate economies that collapsed in 2008. ...
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Blogs5 new results for U.S. Politics
Egypt's crisis could easily impact U.S. - - Politics
By ifennell
We sit here in the United States, with more crude oil than Saudi Arabia, and we cannot drill for it. There are rumors that we are drilling in Montana and the Dakotas, where the largest pool of crude oil exists but this crude again has ...
Politics -
What infuriates our politicians, and us - Politics and the Nation
By Meagan Fitzpatrick
The most news and entertainment portal from a Canadian perspective. Television, major newspapers across Canada, health, sport, entertainment, lifestyle, free email and more.
Politics and the Nation -
Obama: Mubarak must make 'right decision' (AFP) · usa politics news
By Yahoo! News: Politics News
Obama: Mubarak must make 'right decision' (AFP). at usa politics news. « Alaska lawmakers propose ditching pipeline plan (AP) · Obama challenges Mubarak: Consider your legacy (AP) » ...
usa politics news -
Limited benefits of US ties to Egypt's military | The Associated ...
By The Associated Press
The Pentagon has often boasted of close ties to the Egyptian military, but in the current crisis the payoff from billions in military aid and three decades of U.S. mentorship isn't direct leverage. Mostly, it's meant an ability to get ...
Examiner Politics RSS -
POLITICS BLOG: Kansas U.S. Senators want to halt federal health ...
By admin
Political Circus: 'Sarah Palin' gets trademarked. Politics is serious business — but not all the time. POLITICS BLOG: Kansas U.S. Senators want to halt federal health care U.S. Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) and U.S. Senator Jerry Moran ...
News.Co5.Biz -

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