Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Business Group Tied to US Wades Into Nicaragua's Politics
New York Times
Kevin Casas-Zamora, who served as a minister of economic policy and second vice president of Costa Rica until 2007, said that overt political action by a United States-affiliated business group was almost always counterproductive. ...
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US pawn ensnared in Pakistan's power politics
Next month, Pakistan's Foreign Office will either have to tell a Lahore court that Mr Davis enjoys diplomatic immunity, and risk incensing its people – or keep him in jail, and thus infuriate the US and the world.
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Will age of civility in American politics change Presidential campaign?
Channel 4 News (blog)
She's not saying and will keep teasing us for months to come. But as her idea of a political campaign consists of making sarcastic remarks about Michelle Obama's push to encourage breast feeding it's a good guess that her involvement will not raise the ...
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Channel 4 News (blog)
Islamist politics or American fears?
Washington Post
Political Islam is bound to enter into a give-and-take with each of the countries' political systems--with highly varied results. Acknowledgement of this multiplicity, these experts say, is key. While the question of whether political Islam will be a ...
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US & UK political climate impacting HIV prevention
Chelsea Now
However, whereas GMHC (similar to a lot of great agencies in the US) was limited in their efforts by conservative governmental politics, THT was supported in their efforts to bring about comprehensive HIV prevention strategies by the British government ...
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Make US Politics Safe for Moderates
Brookings Institution
If moderates are such a crucial and coherent political force, why is US politics so polarized? The answer lies in three structural features of the political system that reduce moderates' influence: the primary system, the congressional redistricting ...
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Video: Mike Huckabee hits fellow conservatives for criticizing Michelle Obama
Christian Science Monitor
More than 35 political reporters gathered at a Washington hotel to question the prospective presidential candidate. He specifically defended Mrs. Obama's efforts to improve the quality of the food in school lunches, noting the problems the US armed ...
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Christian Science Monitor
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Huffington Post
America's political odd couples are joining forces once again in Los Angeles. What do I mean by that? Today, I testified at a Joint Congressional Field Hearing on transportation, where business and labor sat side-by-side and, with a unified voice, ...
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Playing the fear card is very tempting to politicians
Washington Post
Through ten years of post 9/11 work at the grassroots, fear of Muslims is becoming a staple of conservative politics. This is dangerous for America, and profoundly wrong, but very, very tempting to politicians. When a tactic promises to help someone ...
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In Turnabout, US Says Marriage Act Blocks Gay Rights
New York Times
Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, said the shift was "clearly based more on politics than the law." While Mr. Obama has called for Congress to repeal the marriage law, in court his administration has supported the constitutional right of ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
Marcus Samuelsson: The Politics of Food: How U.S. Farm Policy ...
By Marcus Samuelsson
Our current model is unsustainable, from growth of the kernels to the price on the stock ticker. And it doesn't just affect U.S. farming and policy, it affects farmers throughout the world.
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