Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday's Daily Brief

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Tens of thousands of people flooded into the heart of Cairo Tuesday, filling the city's main square as a call for a million protesters was answered by the largest demonstration in a week of unceasing demands for President Hosni Mubarak to leave after nearly 30 years in power. Rivers of protesters arrived in Tahrir, or Liberation, Square at checkpoints guarded by protesters and the army, which promised Monday night that it would not fire on protesters. The announcement was a sign that army support for Mubarak may be unraveling as momentum builds for an extraordinary eruption of discontent and demands for democracy in the United States' most important Arab ally.
From Tunisia To Egypt, Is This The Beginning Of A Trend?
King Abdullah Of U.S. Ally Jordan Dismisses Government
Florida Judge Rules Key Components Of Health Care Reform Unconstitutional
Technology & Psychology: The Never-Before-Revealed Details of Why John Edwards Finally Confessed to His Affair
Snow No!
Larry Magid:Google Helps Egyptians Tweet Via Landline
Internet service in Egypt is now totally shut down and there are reports that cell phone service has again been cut, but that won't stop people from finding ways to reach out and express themselves. One creative solution is from engineers at Google, Twitter and SayNow, a company that Google recently acquired, who have created a way for people from Egypt to Tweet via landline.
Wadah Khanfar:Al Jazeera English Should Be Available on American Television
The last month has shown us something that America can no longer ignore: millions of Americans want to watch our channel and better understand our region, and too many are deprived that opportunity.
Alan Dershowitz:The Egyptian Revolution May Produce a Lebanon-Type Islamic Regime
Mohamed ElBaradei is the Muslim Brotherhood's perfect stalking horse -- well respected, moderate and compliant. He will put together a government in which the Brotherhood begins as kingmaker and ends up as king.
Cheryl Wills:Black History Month: Honoring Our Brave Soldiers: They, Too, Sing America
As we enter Black History Month, let us pause to remember the sacrifice of African-American soldiers, past and present. We should know that the veterans who paved the road for our current soldiers went through hell and high water.
Mandy Moore:The Second Leading Cause of Death in Young Women
Every 47 minutes, a woman in the United States is diagnosed with cervical cancer. Does this statistic shock you? It should.

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