Thursday, March 31, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
As Budget Talks Continue, Hard-Liners Get Support From Tea Party
New York Times
Representative Michele Bachmann, Republican of Minnesota, was among the lawmakers who spoke at a Tea Party rally outside the Capitol on Thursday. By JENNIFER STEINHAUER WASHINGTON — As House Republican leaders worked to cobble together a spending plan ...
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New York Times
'Tea party' protests budget compromise, and John Boehner denies budging
Los Angeles Times
As the tea party urges Republicans to stick with $61 billion in cuts, talk of a tentative deal with $33 billion in trims circulates. But House Speaker John Boehner says Republicans have not agreed to that level of reductions. ...
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Los Angeles Times
J-S LETTER: Tea Party is up to no good
Freeport Journal-Standard
By Anonymous I have read enough narcissistic Tea Party propaganda in the newspapers. The Tea Party does not understand the concept of the "common good;" in fact, the Tea Party is up to no good. To observe what our country will be like under the Tea ...
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When a Thing is Not What it Seems, and Other Tea Party Tactics
"In a quietly arranged marriage of seemingly disparate interests, the institute and kindred groups are increasingly the bearers of corporate messages wrapped in populist Tea Party themes." In an "Odd Alliance: Business Lobby and Tea Party," Mike ...
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Tea Party Officials Took Handouts
ABC News
In a remote region in Norway, the prince joins a trek to the North Pole.
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Fox News and today's tea party rally
Daily Kos
by Barbara Morrill for Daily Kos ... Fox News was there, mostly to explain away the poor showing as the result of bad weather—after all, it was drizzling. ... where 70000 protesters had gathered in Madison, Wisconsin. In the snow. ...
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Daily Kos
How much leverage does the tea party really have?
The Guardian
The tea-party element, naturally, does not look at it that way at all. from Dana Milbank's WashPost column today: A band of the first-term members of Congress demonstrated their legislative maturity Wednesday by announcing, in a news conference outside ...
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On Cain's Mind: Fat stigma vs obesity epidemic...understanding the Tea Party ...
CNN (blog)
One of the lead articles in The New York Times is entitled "Odd Alliance: Business Lobby and Tea Party." The writer (Mike McIntire) is openly confused as to why a Tea Party Group would defend an Indonesian paper company against high tariff laws. ...
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House Democrats decry Tea Partier's proposed fees, bills would give counties ...
Greenfield Daily Reporter
TOM LoBIANCO AP ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Members of the newly formed Maryland Tea Party Caucus are pushing a series of bills to give counties the power to raise fees, proposals House Democrats called "hypocritical" Wednesday. The tea partiers' measures would ...
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Barney Frank: Tea Party in 'Cloud Cuckoo Land'
Fox News
By Jordan Fabian - 03/31/11 06:30 AM ET, The Hill Even though budget negotiations between Democrats and Republicans have resumed on Capitol Hill, the war of words between the two parties is alive and well. Perhaps no better example has come than what ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Government Shutdown | Tea Party | Spending Cuts | The Daily Caller ...
Tea Party congressional members threaten government shutdown if they don't get spending cuts.
The Daily Caller - Breaking News,... -
The Note: Tea Party Pushes For Deeper Cuts As Congressional ...
The Tea Party has emerged as a bogeyman of budget negotiations on Capitol Hill with Democrats like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accusing its members of introducing "extreme demands" on spending and some Republican leaders unsure of ...
The Note -
Budget Compromise Talks Continue As Tea Party Watches
By The Huffington Post News Editors
WASHINGTON — Despite fresh pressure from tea party conservatives, House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday that Republicans "can't impose our will" on the White House and Senate Democrats on legislation to cut tens of billions of ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed -
Tea Party Rallies To Send GOP Message On Spending
By The Huffington Post News Editors
WASHINGTON -- The tea partyers who helped drive GOP gains in the last election are rallying in the city they love to hate Thursday, urging Republican House leaders – Speaker John Boehner above all – to resist the drive toward compromise ...
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Tea party gains steam in Merced - Local -
While the Merced County Republican Central Committee looks to increase its faithful, Merced's tea party continues to gain steam and is looking forward to 2012. Merced Tea Party Patriots is a surging force and expects to be more mobile ... Local -

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Harry Reid: Tea Party to Blame for Budget Stalemate - US News and ...
The Senate majority leader warns mainstream GOPers: Ditch the Tea Party or face government shutdown.

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