Thursday, March 31, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
US Defense Chief Says Political, Economic Pressure Will Oust Gadhafi
Voice of America
He said the international coalition aims to keep the pressure on Gadhafi to prevent him from killing his own people and to prevent him from destabilizing the entire region. Gates says the United States believes military, economic and political pressure ...
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California budget deal collapse: Did state GOP blow a huge opportunity?
Christian Science Monitor
In many ways, the actions of California Republicans are hardly unique in today's political climate. "Moderation is a difficult place to be in American politics right now, with all this focus by both parties on the purity of their agenda and a set of ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Obama administration pushes dual-track policy in Libya
CNN International
With the military mission shifting Thursday to a new phase of full NATO control after initial US leadership, divisions among alliance partners and within Congress became more evident, exacerbated by the administration's differing military and political ...
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CNN International
Obama's nuanced foreign policy evident in Libya vs. Syria
Los Angeles Times
Both countries are within reach of missiles and warplanes launched from US ships in the Mediterranean. The difference in US policy toward them is an example of Obama's general approach to government: seeing policy in shades of gray rather than black ...
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Los Angeles Times
Arming Libyan rebels: Should US do it?
CNN International
In addition, a former counterterrorism official with knowledge of the US policy in Libya told CNN there is a presidential finding authorizing the CIA to conduct operations in support of US policy there, including assessing and meeting with the ...
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Obama Doctrine Faces Test
The United States of America is different." In those two sentences, President Obama sketched a broad American policy for interfering into the civil wars of foreign nations, but it was just a sketch. We didn't get a full playbook, nor did we get a clear ...
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Politics and perception play roles in moving 'The Kennedys'
Los Angeles Times
On Sunday, "The Kennedys" will finally premiere in the US on ReelzChannel, a little-known, family-owned independent cable network that's hoping the miniseries can instantly vault it into the big leagues of outlets offering splashy original programming. ...
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Los Angeles Times
Goodbye to Federal Funding for 2012 Candidates
ABC News
AP By BETH FOUHY AP AP A cornerstone of US politics since the 1970s, public funding of presidential campaigns may soon go the way of other relics of the era like long sideburns and lava lamps. Neither President Barack Obama nor any of the leading 2012 ...
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ABC News
Editorial notebook: Changing the tone of politics is a challenge
The three of us sat down briefly and talked politics. It was a brief but positive conversation. More of this needs to happen if the political hatred that is spewed on blogs, Twitter posts and in campaign advertisements is to be replaced by thoughtful ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
Giving Gadhafi the boot? US says no boots involved | The ...
By The Associated Press
When U.S. officials promise there will be no American "boots on the ground" in Libya, they aren't talking literally, nor about footwear.
Examiner Politics RSS -

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
Pioneering force for feminism in US politics -
After 1984, she remained active in Democratic politics. She twice ran for the US Senate from New York in 1992 and 1998, starting both races as favourite but ...

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