Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Militant groups control Yemeni towns in their own way
Detroit Free Press
The International Criminal Court said Gadhafi, his son Seif al-Islam Gadhafi and his intelligence chief, Abdullah al-Sanoussi, are wanted for orchestrating the killing, injuring, arrest and imprisonment of hundreds of civilians during the first 12 days ...
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Islamic banking is a plus
In Islam, interest which is a form of 'riba' is severely condemned by the Holy Qur'an. Because of this, millions of Nigerian Muslims are excluded from the financial system which is based on interest. The obvious implication of this is that a large ...
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Christians not vilified by Islamic advert
Sydney Morning Herald
PROCLAIMING Jesus to be ''a prophet of Islam'' on billboards is a statement of belief and does not discriminate against or vilify Christians, the Advertising Standards Bureau has found. The billboard, one of several in an awareness campaign by Islamic ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Egypt: Two Christian Girls Kidnapped And Forced To Convert To Islam
Weasel Zippers
In Minya, two young Coptic women were abducted and forced to convert to Islam. Anti-Christian violence has become a daily event in Upper Egypt, where police and the military often side with Muslims, sources told AsiaNews. In this under-policed area of ...
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Weasel Zippers
Bearded Mickey Mouse cartoon causes stir in Egypt
The Associated Press
The ultraconservative Islamists, known as Salafis, called the cartoon posted by Naguib Sawiris on Twitter a mockery of Islam. They launched an online campaign calling on Muslims in Egypt to boycott Sawiris' mobile phone company Mobinil. ...
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Boko Haram strikes again, kills 28, injures several others
He said they had pretended they wanted to convert from Islam. A military officer said security had been scaled up in the city following the attack. "The JTF (Joint Task Force) began operations in Maiduguri yesterday with the deployment of more troops ...
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Whither the Arab Spring?
ABC Online
As the masses returned to Islam, both as a spiritual guide and a source of solutions for their economic and political problems, and as the political wedge between ruler and ruled widened, something had to give. Add to this the debilitating status quo ...
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ABC Online
Fedayeen-e-Islam commander killed in North Waziristan: report
Long War Journal
Shakirullah Shakir, a leader and spokesman for the Fedayeen-e-Islam, was shot and killed today as he was riding a motorcycle in the Miramshah area. He was killed by unknown gunmen who were traveling in a sports utility vehicle with tinted windows, ...
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Bangladesh jails 657 border guards for mutiny
Major-General Rafiqul Islam, chief of the border forces who heads the court, read out the sentences for 657 guards in a specially built courtroom in central Dhaka, the Bangladesh capital, on Monday. One person had died during the hearing and nine ...
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Islam and Human Rights: The Case of Journalist Rachid Nini
Huffington Post (blog)
Fair play and justice are also crucial to Islamic societies like Morocco, where they are known in Arabic as Adl. In fact, it is so important in Islamic societies that one of the names of God in Islam is derived from the Arabic word for Justice, ...
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Web2 new results for Islam news
New cracks form in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood - Yahoo! News
Several members of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, including a prominent senior figure, broke off to form a new political party Sunday, exposing further cracks ...
Yemen Blast Kills 3 - Islam News Room
Islam Newsroom - News Muslims Need - When We Need It! ... raising fears that Islamic militants who seized two nearby towns after government forces carried ...

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