Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No More Funding! Alert




By this Thursday night, the Delaware Legislature will have decided how to use your tax dollars. Legislators make decisions based on their worldview and their reelection. Here is where YOU have an opportunity! Timing is everything and we're asking you to call your legislators and send an email TODAY. Please forward this email to your like minded friends. Take action below.


Our position is simple. "We DO NOT want our tax money being used to support an organization that centers it's business model around abortion. Do not increase funding for Planned Parenthood in the grant-in-aid bill!" 


Let's not forget the kind of "resources" that Planned Parenthood provides to kids, and typically without parental oversight. Look at these samples below. Even though it was created to appeal to a very young school age audience, this content is mature and should be viewed with discretion:

This year, according to Planned Parenthood, they are to receive a 25.5% increase in grant-in-aid funding. We believe an organization like Planned Parenthood should not receive any tax dollars; but we are certain they should not receive an increase in funding, especially above other vital organizations like our senior centers and fire companies who are only getting 15-20%! Unless all the other non-profits are getting a 25.5% increase, this is a sweetheart deal for Planned Parenthood.


The money all goes into the same fund, regardless of budget line. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the country. They lead the abortion effort nationally and internationally. Get equipped. Learn the top ten reasons Delaware should defund Planned Parenthood.  

Nicole Theis

Yours In Christ,   


Nicole Theis


This is an Urgent 5 minute Action Alert!


Please call your State Representative AND Senator today! A staff person will most likely answer. Tell them to relay this message (be polite but firm), "NO MORE FUNDING Planned Parenthood! Don't give them ANY increases with my tax money!" Then deliver the same message to the members of the Joint Finance Committee. They have the most influence over this issue. Some of the legislators and staff may tell you that the money isn't used for abortions, but be firm (read the Top 10 list). The money they receive frees up other money to use for abortions.  You may also hear that the grant-in-aid bill is a package deal, either all or nothing. Urge your Legislator to FIND A WAY, it's been done before, "NO MORE Funding for Planned Parenthood & definitely no increases with my tax money!" 

Please write a personal email to your legislator as well.

1. Call Your Representative & Senator 


Click here to find your representative and Senate district. Write down your district. Find your representatives phone number, click here.
Program their name and number in your cell phone. Make the call. 


What to say  

"NO MORE FUNDING Planned Parenthood! Don't give them ANY increases with my tax money!"


We're only as strong as the people we represent. 

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2. Call and email the Legislators on the Joint Finance Committee 


Rep. Dennis Williams
(W)(302) 744-4351; (H)(302)764-1812 Dennis.Williams@state.de.us  


Rep. Melanie George
(W)(302)744-4126; (H)(302)832-1956 melanie.george@state.de.us 


Rep. James Johnson

(W)(302)744-4351;(H) (302)322-3521 jj.johnson@state.de.us 


Rep. Ruth Briggs-King  

(W)(302)744-4251;(H) (302)856-2772 Ruth.BriggsKing@state.de.us


Rep. Joseph Miro

(W)(302)744-4171;(H) (302)454-1840 joseph.miro@state.de.us


Rep. John Mitchell  

(W)(302)744-4351;(H) (302)995-1803 john.l.mitchell@state.de.us


Sen. Harris McDowell  

(W)(302)744-4147;(H) (302)656-2921 Harris.McDowell@state.de.us


Sen. Brian Bushweller 

(W)(302)744-4162;(H) (302)674-5442 brian.bushweller@state.de.us


Sen. Bruce Ennis  

(W)(302)744-4310;(H) (302)653-7566 bruce.ennis@state.de.us


Sen. David McBride

(W)(302)744-4167;(H) (302)322-6100 David.McBride@state.de.us


Sen. Catherine Cloutier

(W)(302)744-4197;(H) (302)478-9616 catherine.cloutier@state.de.us


Sen. Dorinda Connor  

(W)(302)744-4164;(H) (302)328-8944 Dorinda.Connor@state.de.us  

This email was sent to paris173.1234@blogger.com by nicole@delawarefamilies.org |  
Delaware Family Policy Council | P.O. Box 925 | Seaford | DE | 19973

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