Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News2 new results for "Family Research Council"
Mo. congressman apologizes for God comment
The Christian Century
The saga started Friday when Akin appeared on the radio program of Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, where he was asked about NBC's decision to omit the phrase "under God" from a taped clip of the Pledge of Allegiance aired during recent ...
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Cohabitation More Prevalent Among Less Educated
Christian Post
Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for Policy Studies at the Family Research Council, made note of this in an email to The Christian Post: "The decline of marriage is having its worst effect on the people who can least afford it – those who are ...
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Web2 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council | Karen Spears Zacharias
Posts tagged: family research council ... church, Civil Rights, conservatives, divorce, family research council, gay marriage, Gay rights, Republicans, ...
Google Alert - "Family Research Council" - Tony Perkins - Zimbio
News 7 new results for "Family Research Council" 1 Million Americans Pledge to Pray for US on July 3 Christian Post The third annual "Call2Fall" event, ...

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