Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Liberal worry over Justice Ginsburg's tenure: Fate could hand high court seat ...
Washington Post
By AP, WASHINGTON — Democrats and liberals have a nightmare vision of the Supreme Court's future: President Barack Obama is defeated for re-election next year and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, at 78 the oldest justice, soon finds her health will not ...
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Careful what you wish for
Sydney Morning Herald
When Reith raised his head a few weeks ago, having been urged by his old junior colleague Tony Abbott to run against Alan Stockdale for the federal Liberal presidency, more than a few Liberals thought, ''Be careful, Tony. ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Persichilli: A fragile Rae of hope for the Liberals
Toronto Star
By Angelo Persichilli Political Columnist If the Conservatives have found in Stephen Harper the leader who has redefined their party for the next decade, and Jack Layton might do the same for the NDP, who's going to be the Liberal messiah to lead ...
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By-election result 'humiliating'
Deeside Today
Lib Dem candidate Sophie Bridger is the president of Liberal Youth Scotland and is a student at Glasgow University. Speaking in the Scotsman newspaper, Mr Finnie said: "For Liberals to lose their deposit in the way in which we have, and be down to 600 ...
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Deeside Today
You make it, you recycle it
Toronto Star
But this money comes nowhere near provincial coffers so the Liberals blame the industry-run recycling body in charge of the fees. Both parties are missing the point. The money will be spent to properly recycle old TVs and other electronics and keep ...
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Les Leyne: Two new taxes, one bungled, one not
Victoria Times Colonist
You would think if the Liberals introduced one tax properly, they would learn from that and apply the lessons to subsequent tax changes. But on the anniversary of both taxes, it's striking how different the two stories are. The carbon tax increased ...
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Segregation in the land of limousine liberalism
Limousine liberals were always fine with forcing "diversity" and "integration" and "desegregation" on poor Irish people in South Boston and poor white crackers in the Deep South. The people of Jamestown, New York found out that there were good reasons ...
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Blacks in New York Grow Sick of Being Used as Liberal Pawns
Canada Free Press
Failed schools are only one example of how liberal politics have been a cancer on the black community, and thankfully many blacks are starting to realize it. Valued by Democrats only for their votes, every single promise liberals have made to ...
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Ann Coulter: Princess Diana 'just this anorexic, bulimic narcissist'
Entertainment Weekly
Normally, it's liberals that are the target of her shocking proclamations, but it turns out she's not so fond of the Royals either. "I find it a little baffling when Americans get so gaga-eyed over a princess," Ann lamented. "In particularly Lady Di, ...
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