Sunday, July 17, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

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The Progressive Dilemma
Naples Daily News (blog)
By Barry Willoughby As we get closer to the election in 2012, progressives are facing a huge dilemma. President Obama's popularity seems to be spiraling out of control, and he is left with nothing to promote his socialist/progressive agenda. ...
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200000 Progressives Tell Obama: We Won't Donate if You Cut Safety Net
In These Times
Photo by Taylor Long) The chief operating officer at Obama for America, Ann Marie Habershaw, didn't have a response when roughly 12 representatives of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee took Obama's campaign headquarters in downtown Chicago by ...
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Progressive taxation
Northwest Herald
Reasonable progressives do not want confiscatory rates, like the 90 percent plus tax rates on millionaires during the Eisenhower years, which only worked back then because there were so many loopholes that such rates rarely were collected. ...
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Elizabeth Warren: Passed Over for CFPB Post, but....
Mother Jones
The Sunday afternoon news that the White House would not be nominating Elizabeth Warren to head the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau certainly has the potential to trigger outrage from progressives who believe President Barack Obama too often ...
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Mother Jones
Greencards easy on ears for bluegrass progressives
NWAOnline (subscription)
By WERNER TRIESCHMANN SPECIAL TO THE DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE What is it? Rizzoli & Isles, Season 1, 10 hour-long episodes on three discs from Warner Home Video. Read » DEAR CAROLYN: I am a mom and my husband is a stay-at-home dad. We have three young, ...
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We can't run away from Sovereign National Conference –Umeh
Nigeria Daily Independent
Following the results of the April elections in which the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), made remarkable improvement in the South East the reputation of its National Chairman, Sir Victor Umeh, has received a huge boost. ...
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The Presidency is not a Monarchy
Wizbang (blog)
Our Founding Fathers (oft referred to by progressives as "dead white men") created a system of Government specifically and deliberately designed to limit the power of Government. Having been subjects of an arrogant and detached King, they specifically ...
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Bill Maher Calls Michele Bachmann & Sarah Palin Boobs, Jesus Sexist (VIDEO)
Huffington Post (satire)
They are the Republicans progressives love to not take seriously at all. They are also the ones that "people who know" say you shouldn't underestimate. But more importantly, perhaps, they afford conservatives the unique opportunity to call liberals ...
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Obama's Last Lecture
It just may not be one that progressives value. In March, Obama spoke to college students of a range of political beliefs – Democrats, Republicans and independents – after a speech in the Boston area. In this video, released by the White House this ...
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