Thursday, August 18, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
Classic city politics foist bike lane on us
Chicago Sun-Times
If that's the model for the next 99.5 miles of protected bike lanes, it could cost us — Chicago taxpayers — about $28 million. It's not that much cash when you consider the enormous size of the city budget. But how many street cops do you think a ...
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Commentary: U.S. politics needs big ideas, not narrow minds
Kansas City Star
A targeted stimulus could put people back to work and help us regain our competitive edge. This means paying for infrastructure, education and research, and helping entrepreneurs with promising ideas. The big question: how to stimulate the economy and ...
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Kennedy: Color Line Persists in US Politics
Harvard Magazine
... resulted in "an inflated sense of accomplishment" within the United States, warns Randall Kennedy, the Michael R. Klein Professor of Law, in his new book, The Persistence of the Color Line: Racial Politics and the Obama Presidency (Pantheon Books). ...
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A Race in Montana May Again Be Crucial to Senate Control
New York Times
A few election cycles ago, before the recession, the debt crisis and the Tea Party movement redefined American politics, a species called "the New Western Democrat" emerged in places like Montana. The latest on President Obama, the new Congress and ...
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New York Times
Delay of Military Exercises Could Hint at US-Egypt Rift
Voice of America
But postponing the maneuvers comes amid other tensions between Washington and Cairo -- most recently, accusations that the US is interfering with Egyptian politics by directly funding non-governmental groups. "The whole way the matter was presented, ...
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Will President Barack Obama win re-election?
Wall Street Journal
"The only thing that's holding us back right now is our politics," he said. What do you think? Can Mr. Obama separate himself from those politics? If he were running against a moderate, sensible Republican, Obama would not win re-election. ...
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Federer amazed by US presidential campaign
Sacramento Bee
By JOE KAY AP Sports Writer MASON, Ohio -- Roger Federer follows the US presidential politics while he's in the country playing tennis. He says he's amazed that whoever wins the election isn't worn out when they take office. ...
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Political insiders speculate about Tommy Thompson run for US Senate Milwaukee
... is seriously considering a run for the US Senate. The Former Governor hasn't said he's a candidate, but he has announced he's setting up a campaign. When Thompson bowed out of the political spotlight in April 2010, it was clear he was conflicted. ...
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Tracking US politics
Reuters Blogs (blog)
The scene in Washington DC, 2011 - US debt ceiling negotiations, unemployment figures that wont improve, congressional deadlock – it's enough to make you want to get out of town. President Barack Obama did just that this week, jumping on a shiny new ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
S&P faces U.S. probe on mortgages – CNN Political Ticker - ...
By cnnrs
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Ratings agency Standard & Poor's is being investigated by the U.S. Justice Department for allegedly overrating mortgage-backed securities, whose meltdown led to the 2008 financial crisis, according to two sources ...
CNN Political Ticker

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