Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday's Daily Brief

Friday, October 7, 2011
Three Women Win Nobel Peace Prize
Harry Reid Busts Up Senate Precedent
Occupy Wall Street Members Say They Welcome Solidarity But Don't Want To Be Co-Opted
Steve Jobs Before The Turtleneck: Early Colleagues Remember The Tech Pioneer
Yankees Season Ended By Tigers
Dylan Ratigan: One Wave, One Message -- Restore Fairness. End Bought Government
Zuccotti Park in New York is just the beginning. Like a magnet pulling iron out of sand, folks from all walks of life are rejecting our auction-democracy in order to give America the debate it deserves.
Diana Nyad: The Uniqueness of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs will be associated forever with the cultural icons who stepped outside the establishment. The "Think Different" Apple ads feature Dylan and Hitchcock and Picasso and Gandhi and Ali but the understated message is that Jobs lives on that same unique pedestal.
Ian Fletcher: Panama, Colombia, Korea: Obama Makes a Bad Trade Situation Worse
This Monday, Obama submitted the long-pending Colombia, Panama, and South Korea free trade agreements to Congress. I didn't have my hopes up, but I did harbor the vague hope that somehow Obama was going to stall on these.
Christina Norman: Put Yourself On The List
Why am I willing to give up my own sanity and balance to maintain everyone else's?
Jonas Bell Pasht: Attack of the Rental Wedding Tuxedo
I was recently asked to serve as a groomsman for a friend on his wedding day. I was excited and honored by the request -- until I read the fine print. As it turns out, the most challenging part of the job was wearing the rental tuxedo selected for me.

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