Friday, October 7, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party: Wall St. protesters aren't like us
The tea party has just about had it with all of the comparisons between their grass roots movement and the Occupy Wall Street protesters. Amy Kremer, chairwoman of the Tea Party Express, says the Wall Street demonstrators "don't even know why they're ...
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No more tea party for Rick Perry?
CBS News
But look at the internals: The falloff for Perry against other announced candidates has been particularly steep among those aligned with the tea party movement. In early September, Perry had a 3-to-1 advantage over any other candidate among those ...
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Morgan Freeman's Tea Party Remark Affects Box Office
By Marcus Reeves A week after speculation that Morgan Freeman's comments about the Tea Party would hurt box office sales for Dolphin among conservative moviegoers, the prediction has come to pass, sort of…at least according to one survey. ...
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Strong on Defense and Israel, Tough on China
Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
The Tea Party has emerged as a political force on domestic issues, especially the national debt and the size and role of the federal government. Republican supporters of the Tea Party movement also have a distinct approach to national security and ...
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LaMalfa visits Corning Tea Party Patriots
Corning Observer
Hands were raising like a classroom of enthusiastic students as LaMalfa, R-Richvale, fielded questions from Corning Tea Party Patriots on Thursday evening. The 51-year-old senator had barely introduced himself and offered a few opening remarks when the ...
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The anti-tea party anthem: By Jennifer Granholm (Susan J. Demas column)
Jennifer Granholm's new book, I suspect she hopes we consider it to be the definitive anti-Tea Party anthem. AP File PhotoFormer Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm speaks with President Barack Obama at the University of Michigan's commencement in 2010. ...
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Tea Party Speaker: Eliminate Property Taxes
By Dino Ciliberti Speaking before the Lehigh Valley Tea Party at the October monthly meeting at the Charles Chrin Community Center in Palmer Township, the administrator with the Pennsylvania Taxpayers Cyber Coalition discussed the proposed elimination ...
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Tea Party Vows to Stay at Senate Office Building
Sunshine State News
The tea party group that opened a "headquarters" in the Florida Senate building on Thursday says it intends to stay put for the 2012 session. "This isn't the country club it used to be. We have the lowly people walking the hallways, and it's upsetting ...
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Sunshine State News
Tea Party fights Iowa increase in gas tax
Momentum has been building for months for a 10-cent increase in Iowa's gasoline tax, but an Iowa Tea Party leader is vowing to put the brakes on the effort. Ryan Rhodes, chairman of the Iowa Tea Party, says he's sending letters to each of Iowa's 150 ...
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The Wall Street Occupiers And The Democratic Party
Daily Markets
Will the Wall Street Occupiers morph into a movement that has as much impact on the Democratic Party as the Tea Party has had on the GOP? Maybe. But there are reasons for doubting it. Tea Partiers have been a mixed blessing for the GOP establishment ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
The American Spectator : Andrew Jackson: Tea Party President
By Robert W. Merry
For starters, he was principled, fearless, and astute. And Washington, D.C., never trusted him, because he knew the real source of America's greatness.
The American Spectator and The...
Van Jones' Tea Party Envy | FrontPage Magazine
By Jacob Laksin
Of all that the Tea Party has accomplished, perhaps the movement's most unlikely achievement to date is the admiration it has inspired on the activist Left. Disillusioned with President Obama and the rapid dissipation of a long-term left-wing ...
FrontPage Magazine
Tea Party to Scott Brown: Good luck with that election, buddy « Hot Air
By Jazz Shaw
He may have been the first major victory of the Tea Party on a national level, but Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown may wind up looking a bit lonely in that regard has he prepares to run for his first full term in the upper chamber. The Daily ...
Hot Air » Top Picks
10 Things The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street Have In Common ...
By Dinosaur Trader
6 They both want to cut certain government programs.
The Reformed Broker
Occupy Wall Street Vs. Tea Party Protests. Guess Who Wins? - New ...
By Michael Musto
And the Tea Party loses! In today's New York Times, Pal Krugman writes an op-ed piece that states what we've all...
La Daily Musto

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Wall Street rallies could be left's Tea Party - politics - More politics ...
Liberals are optimistic that protests on Wall Street will translate into the kind of lasting political movement achieved over the last two years by the Tea Party, ...

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