Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Conservative Party Conference 2011: Prime Minister sets out optimistic vision
By Robert Winnett and James Kirkup In his speech to the Conservative Party Conference, the Prime Minister urged Britons to make the next few years a "time of opportunity". However, he was forced to make an 11th-hour change to his conference speech to ...
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Conservative group seeks to derail Mitt Romney's run
Los Angeles Times
By James Oliphant Mitt Romney may be closer than ever to the Republican nomination—and that has one independent conservative group determined to slow him down. Its mission, as plain as it can put it, is to "stop Mitt Romney." The group is borne of the ...
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Los Angeles Times
Newfoundland Tories hold strong lead, NDP second, poll shows
Globe and Mail
When asked which party they planned to vote for in next Tuesday's election, 38 per cent of respondents backed the Progressive Conservatives, compared to 23 per cent for the NDP and 9 per cent for the Liberals. Thirty per cent were undecided. ...
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Globe and Mail
Scottish Conservative spin doctor suspended
Herald Scotland
THE Scottish Conservatives last night suspended their top spin doctor pending an investigation into whether he improperly helped one of the candidates in the party's leadership race. Ramsay Jones, who as a party employee is supposed to stay neutral, ...
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With conservatives split, could the door be open for Mitt Romney in Iowa?
Boston Globe
By Christopher Rowland , Globe Staff Christian conservative and Tea Party support in the GOP primary remains fractured among multiple candidates, a dynamic driven home by new polls this week that show a sharp drop in Texas Governor Rick Perry's ...
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Cohn: No matter who wins, Hudak lost the campaign
Toronto Star
By Martin Regg Cohn Queen's Park Columnist Election Day wasn't supposed to turn out this way for the Progressive Conservatives. The outcome is impossible to predict, and PC Leader Tim Hudak may yet triumph — if his Tory machine can harness its core ...
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Conservatives expected to delay court hearings into 2006 ad campaign expenses
Canada First Perspective
By TIM NAUMETZ | Oct. 04, 2011 PARLIAMENT HILL—The Conservative Party is expected to once again delay court hearings on Wednesday into Elections Canada's charges that four top Conservative officers approved or masterminded a scheme to divert $2 ...
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The conservative divide
There is absolutely no central leadership that conservative Americans believe in. Currently, the Conservative movement faces the Tea Party, the Republican Party establishment, and a more gelled Libertarian movement. For many Conservatives the national ...
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Palin Sees Her Value as a Rallier for the Conservative Cause in 2012
National Journal
By Lindsey Boerma In explaining why she chose not to run for president in 2012, Sarah Palin acknowledged implicitly what others have said about her: She can be more valuable remaining a prominent cheerleader rallying the conservative cause than as an ...
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Blogs2 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives Hope To Repeal Obamacare Using A Tactic They ...
By Brian Beutler
Conservatives are reigniting the push for repealing health care on Capitol Hill -- and preparing to use hardball tactics to get their way.
TPM Election Central
Politicians in Pyjamas and Other Startling Revelations from the U.K. ...
By Catherine Mayer
Choreographed political events rarely provoke serious questions, much less existential ones. After all, a key aim of the choreographers is to skirt debate lest debate reads to the wider public like dissent.
Global Spin

Web2 new results for Conservatives
Matthews: If Obama Loses in '12 Conservatives Will Celebrate ...
Well, Conservatives might celebrate that a thin 20% minority on the left won't get ... Next time someone tells you that the Supreme Court is too conservative, you ...
Why Are Religious Conservatives So Scared of Gay Sex? | Sex ...
Anti-gay bigotry is just one piece of a larger picture of conservative fear and loathing of all forms of sexuality.

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