Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
US politics live blog: Rick Perry down in polls, up in dollars
The Guardian (blog)
This article was published on at 22.35 BST on Wednesday 5 October 2011 . It was last modified at 22.40 BST on Wednesday 5 October 2011 . It was first published at 16.39 BST on Wednesday 5 October 2011 . Rick Perry raised $17m in just 49 ...
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The Guardian (blog)
POLITICS: Save us from Perry and shut the border
Nueces County Record Star
It is one thing to aid against organized Columbian drug cartels, which are essentially "mobsteresque" organizations that speak Spanish and have a proclivity to communist era political ideologies. Mexico is an old-school, all-out drug gang fantasy land, ...
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Politics drives Europe's schizophrenia on banks
Along with US economist Adam Posen, now a member of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee, Veron proposed in 2009 a Europe-wide triage system to identify banks' capital needs and provide a framework for recapitalization. ...
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Is Israel's Iron Grip on U.S Politics Slipping?
Since the 70′s the Palestinian Israeli conflict has defined US political candidates allowing AIPAC and its ambiguously and not so ambiguously labeled 200 non profit PACs, conservative organizations, and religious supporters to establish clear ...
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Occupy Wall Street: The new Populists?
Los Angeles Times
US history teaches us that the politics of peaceful disruption has been an effective way to prod the establishment toward greater social and economic justice. But will the current movement be this effective? A participant in the Wall Street protests ...
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Los Angeles Times
Breyer and Scalia Testify at Senate Judiciary Hearing
New York Times
The letter also singled out Justices Scalia and Samuel Alito for appearing at political events. Justice Breyer said he had not seen a decision influenced by politics in his 17 years on the court. But he drew a line between politics and judicial ...
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In GOP campaign dominated by domestic issues, foreign policy an element of US ...
Washington Post
By AP, WASHINGTON — The Republican race for a presidential nominee is being driven almost entirely by concerns over taxes, joblessness, the deficit and the dismal state of the US economy. That's even the case when it comes to foreign policy. ...
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Rumsfeld Goes Toe-to-Toe With Al Jazeera Over US Invasion of Iraq
Fox News
10: Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC Donald Rumsfeld, who once called Al Jazeera's news coverage "vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable" during his stint as defense ...
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Fox News
Q+A: Where are the U.S.-Iraq trainer troop talks?
Iraqi officials say negotiations are in their preliminary stages, but they depend as much on domestic Iraqi politics as they do with the political atmosphere in Washington. US officials may earlier have been considering a training force for as few as ...
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Assistant US Attorney outlines case against power broker Bill Cellini
Chicago Sun-Times
Deis didn't get all carried away trying to convince jurors that Cellini is the state's almost mythic King of Clout long held in awe by political and media insiders, though that is the very reason that brought many of us to court. ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
Sherrod Brown: China 'bullying' the U.S. | Politics Extra
By cweiser
Brown, a Democrat up for re-election next year, told Enquirer reporters and editors that he's proposed a crackdown on China's currency and trade policies because he's sick of China "bullying" the U.S.. Although the proposed legislation does ...
Politics Extra

Web3 new results for U.S. Politics
US politics live blog: Rick Perry down in polls, up in dollars | World ...
Rick Perry out-raises his Republican rivals, the Democrats get a boost in West Virginia and more of today's US political news.
China currency bill is about US politics, not trade | Credit Writedowns
Below is a video on RT International discussing the recent bill to authorise sanctions against the Chinese for currency manipulation.
Pastors around U.S. to preach politics from the pulpit - Post Bulletin
Pastors around U.S. to preach politics from the pulpit - The Post-Bulletin is Rochester and South East, Minnesota's number one local news, sports, weather, ...

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