Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News7 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives Renew Majority in Newfoundland With Dunderdale
By Paul Badertscher - Wed Oct 12 04:01:00 GMT 2011 The Progressive Conservative government led by Kathy Dunderdale won a renewed majority in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province. Unofficial results posted yesterday showed the ...
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Why Conservatives Need to Support the #OccupyWallSt Movement
Huffington Post
But what of ordinary, hardworking and struggling people who call themselves conservatives? How should they feel about the goals of this nascent movement that appears to be gaining steam? And why do some of them vote against their economic interests? ...
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Christie: Cain candidacy shows conservatives looking past color
Austin American-Statesman
His surprising success reflects the appeal of his traditional conservative views on the economy — including his 9-9-9 tax reform plan — and the way that the tea party movement, whose supporters generally back Cain, has upended the Republican Party. ...
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Conservatives rally around N.Y. clerk over same-sex marriages
Washington Post
By Scott Rapp| Religion News Service, LEDYARD, NY — A conservative Christian group is behind a new YouTube video that features a town clerk explaining why she believes she should not have to comply with a state law and issue same-sex marriage licenses ...
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Deeper cuts mean bigger bonuses, senior bureaucrats told
Globe and Mail
Treasury Board President Tony Clement says 40 per cent of "at risk" pay for senior managers will be based on how much they contribute to the Conservatives' target of finding at least $4-billion a year in permanent savings. This is the first year the ...
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Globe and Mail
America's Conservatives Love Herman Cain's Empty Race Talk
ColorLines magazine
On Friday, at the conservative Values Voters summit in DC, Cain's speech was received with a standing ovation and cheers when he declared in response to a question about anger over racism, "I have achieved all of my American dreams and then some ...
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Aggie Conservatives Petition Against Perry's DREAM Act
KUT News
By Kevin Lindsay Conservative students from Texas A&M, Rick Perry's alma mater, want the governor to call a special legislative session to repeal the Texas DREAM act. The Aggie Conservatives at Texas A&M University have posted an online petition ...
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Blogs2 new results for Conservatives
Instapundit » Blog Archive » WASHINGTON POST: Conservatives ...
By Glenn Reynolds
October 11, 2011. WASHINGTON POST: Conservatives launch "We are the 53 percent" to criticize 99 percenters. Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 7:25 am. Tweet · RSS Feed · Podcast RSS Feed · Email Instapundit. Sic gorgiamus allos ...
Shaftan toils over Congressional redistricting map for movement ...
By max
Republican strategist Rick Shaftan is in the process of hammering out a movement conservative map that he shared this evening with PolitickerNJ.com. The map essentially spilts New Jersey into suburban and urban districts. "It maximizes ...

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Conservatives Need To Grow A Spine - Douglas MacKinnon ...
Conservatives Need To Grow A Spine - Douglas MacKinnon: I once had a conversation with a well-connected Democrat in.

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