Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News7 new results for Progressives
Progressives weigh in on hurricane response
by Press Release | October 11, 2011 Progressives offer the following statement about the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene, proposing an approach different from those of the Republican Party and the Shumlin Administration. While Irene is a game changer ...
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"Progressives" and the Art of Civility
Canada Free Press
As more and more Americans took up the protests against an ever growing federal government, the "Progressives" took to the CNN/MSNBC/New York Times media cabal to accuse the growing Tea Party of violence and then called for "civility" in political ...
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Framing a more aggressive, progressive approach - part 2
Twin Cities Planet (blog)
By Dan Burns, Minnesota Progressive Project I'm going to further discuss some issues with my previous post, on the topic of putting a permanent end to the despicable reality of conservatism, that stinks in the nostrils of everyone. ...
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Twin Cities Planet (blog)
Robert Jeffress and GOP stereotypes, progressives and the Tea Party and more ...
Washington Post (blog)
(LA Times) CAP's John Podesta and John Halpin says progressives credit the Tea Party for "focusing public debate on our nation's history, the Constitution and the core beliefs that shape American life." Is that true? (Politico) Room for Debate asks: Is ...
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Protesters bring dissent to San Ramon
San Jose Mercury News
The "Occupy Wall Street" movement is a loosely defined but growing sign of discontent as protests expand in American cities among progressives who say corporations exert too much control over the economy and US politics.
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The American Dream Conference: Hope for the Future?
Beyond Chron
On the same day, he was cited in a Washington Post op-ed by EJ Dionne as saying that "the question for the left … is whether progressives can 'establish independence and momentum' while also being able 'to make a strategic voting choice. ...
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Beyond Chron
WILL: Calling for a mulligan
North County Times
Imitation is the sincerest form of progressivism because nostalgia motivates progressives, not conservatives. Tea Party Envy is leavened by Woodstock Envy ---- note the drum circles at the Manhattan site ---- which is a facet of Sixties Envy. ...
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