Thursday, October 13, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
John McCain's ideas will save billions and billions of jobs
Washington Post (blog)
By Greg Sargent The beauty of the conservatives' "uncertainty" argument — that businesses aren't creating jobs because of the uncertainty created by Obama policies — is that you can always raise the bar on it indefinitely. ...
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TRENDING: Cain's race not as big an issue with conservatives as Obama's was ...
CNN (blog)
(CNN) - Amid political warfare, it's certainly meant to shock and awe: some conservatives have recently said that Herman Cain could become America's "first black president." Three years after the nation elected its first African-American president, ...
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Bid to ban Twitter in Commons fails
The Press Association
MPs have blocked moves to ban the use of Twitter in the House of Commons amid claims from some senior Conservatives that the widespread use of mobile phones and iPads would bring the chamber into "disrepute". Greg Knight, chairman of the Commons ...
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Conservative group ranks Virginia lawmakers
Washington Post (blog)
By Laura Vozzella The American Conservative Union, which grades members of Congress based on the conservativeness of their voting records, has turned its attention to the Virginia General Assembly. And the report cards are in. ...
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The Changing Definition of 'Conservative'
The Atlantic
By James Joyner The definition of "conservative," "moderate," and "liberal" are constantly shifting; they're relative terms, and positions that were radical for one generation can be mainstream the next and vice versa. But the goalposts of American ...
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Mitt Romney's Aggressive China Rhetoric Questioned By Conservatives
Huffington Post
But some conservatives see it as disingenuous. "Romney's just clearly focused on the politics of it. He doesn't want to appear to be defending China, which is politically expedient," said Chris Chocola, president of the Club for Growth. ...
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Can Conservatives Conquer Obesity? (no)
The Independent (blog)
There must be millions of people with weight problems that are entirely or partly a result of a mental health problem and yet this is never, ever mentioned when it comes to announcing strategies, targets or conservative ambitions. ...
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Your conservative talking points for the weekend
Las Vegas Review-Journal (blog)
As you head into the weekend cocktail circuit, dinner parties and sports gatherings, here are a few conservative talking points for your consideration. Use them well and often. -- TEA PARTY VS. OWS; The advent of the Occupy Wall Street protests ...
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Another Sign of the Conservative Antiworker, Antijobs Agenda
Center For American Progress
By Sabina Dewan | October 13, 2011 Conservatives in Congress are excited to finally be able to vote in favor of the three free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea. But many are opposed when it comes to also voting in favor of Trade ...
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Center For American Progress

Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Should conservatives back the 9-9-9 plan? « Hot Air
By Ed Morrissey
In my column for The Fiscal Times today, I question whether conservatives want to champion a new tax that almost by definition will have a regressive impact on voters — and could open a constitutional Pandora's Box that will undermine ...
Hot Air » Top Picks
Even Conservatives Are Ripping Cain's 9-9-9 Plan
By Jon Terbush
However, that tax plan is now drawing widespread ridicule from members of Cain's own party, with typically conservative sources scoring 9-9-9 a big fat zero. The Wall Street Journal and Daily Caller both ripped 9-9-9 in recent articles, and ...
Business Insider
Conservatives smear 'Occupy Wall Street' protests as anti-Semitic ...
By Eric W. Dolan
The Emergency Committee for Israel, a Republican group, has become the latest to claim the "Occupy Wall Street" protest in lower Manhattan is anti-Semitic. The group has created a video advertisement that shows anti-Semitic signs at the ...
The Raw Story
Big Government's Mike Flynn Weighs In On Conservatives ...
By Larry O'Connor
The question is not whether he appears presidential, the question is what he does as president."

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