Thursday, October 13, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
PDS Progressive/Liberal Delusional Syndrome
Canada Free Press
The Progressive Movement started early in the 20th century with Teddy Roosevelt leading the way, but the movement crosses party lines, and needs to be exposed for its anti-American, racist roots. Presented are comments from the Liberal Progressive ...
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Obi, Umeh battle for soul of APGA
The Nation Newspaper
By Nwanosike Onu 4 hours 49 minutes ago Internal friction has continued to unsettle the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), thus putting its chance in future elections in a precarious state. NWANOSIKE ONU writes on efforts being made by the party's ...
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Eric Schneiderman: The Great Blue Hope
Stanford Progressive
While he may be the most liberal president at least since JFK, progressives were hoping for more. Eric Schneiderman, NY Attorney General, may be that great blue hope. He is unabashedly progressive, refusing to hide his beliefs in strong unions and ...
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Stanford Progressive
America doesn't need nannies
The progressives in all levels of government, from local to federal, seek to become our surrogate parents, our "nanny." It started with small morsels of legislation such as a seat belt law to keep us safe and smoking bans to protect us from killer ...
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Inside the Organized Left's Courtship of Occupy Wall Street
TIME (blog)
It just so happens that institutional progressives had already planned to launch an autumn protest push around the country, under the banner of a new group,, which was founded by Van Jones, a former Obama administration official who ...
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Tea party wannabes on the left
Albany Times Union
But government of the sort progressives demand -- supposed "experts," wiser than the market, allocating wealth and opportunity by supposedly disinterested decisions -- is not just susceptible to corruption, it is corruption. It is political favoritism ...
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Secularism: The De Facto State Religion
Patriot Post
By Nicholas Pandelidis · Thursday, October 13, 2011 For nearly a hundred years, American progressives have incorrectly argued that the principle of separation of church and state precludes an individual from expressing their religious perspective in ...
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Progressive Group Pressures Major League Baseball To Drop Glenn Beck
Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- The progressive group Americans United for Change is launching a campaign against Major League Baseball (MLB), pressuring the group to cut its ties to right-wing pundit Glenn Beck due to his history of controversial statements. ...
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What if Republicans had done this?
Waynesville Daily Guide
Even so, every once in a while we need to remind ourselves of the upside-down, inside-out, topsy-turvy world of Obama and the Progressives over the truth. If you sit back and contemplate the unfairness of it all, your blood will boil--meaning I will ...
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Lawsuit challenges subsidies from state
Buffalo News
Ostrowski said the case has attracted the interest of conservatives from the tea party and progressives from the Occupy Wall Street movement. The State Constitution — in Article VII, Section 8 — states that "the money of the state shall not be given ...
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Blogs2 new results for Progressives
RealClearPolitics - Progressives Call for a Mulligan
By George Will, New Hampshire Union Leader
The Tea Party's splendid successes, which have altered the nation's political vocabulary and agenda, have inspired a countermovement — Occupy Wall Street. Conservatives should rejoice and wish for it long life, abundant publicity and ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage » Blog Archive » Progressives In the Men's Room
By BigFurHat
Progressives In the Men's Room · Home - by BigFurHat - October 13, 2011 - 16:56 ... Progressives In the Men's Room · American Thinker Nails It · That Damn Constitution.. Again · Picking the OWS Brains · Occubaggers Wrestling With a Very ...

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