Monday, October 17, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Canada to rule on abolishing Wheat Board
Financial Times
However, Mr Ritz pointed to the strong mandate that the Conservatives received from farmers in last May's general election, turning their five year-old minority government into a majority. The wheat board reforms were a prominent part of the Tories' ...
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Texas conservatives reject Harper's crime plan
Conservatives in the United States' toughest crime-fighting jurisdiction — Texas — say the Harper government's crime strategy won't work. "You will spend billions and billions and billions on locking people up," says Judge John Creuzot of the Dallas ...
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Michel Den Tandt: Goliath government finds a David to pick on
Montreal Gazette
By MICHAEL DEN TANDT, The Gazette October 17, 2011 Jessica Rinaldi REUTERS Stephen Harper's focus is usually clear when it comes to government discipline, but for some reason has signalled it is okay for Conservatives to attack budget officer Kevin ...
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Conservatives Are 'Fighting the Last War' Against Occupiers
Cleveland Leader
Click: Emaciated conservative humorist PJ O'Rourke asserting that the protesters' actual leader was a set of bongo drums, then proceeding to demonstrate by playing air-bongos with his bony hands. This unfortunate performance only showed the audience ...
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ANALYSIS | Politics of shipbuilding mean rough seas for Harper
The Titanic-sized political problem for the Conservatives is there are three shipyards — in Halifax, Quebec City and Vancouver — competing for just two mega-deals and the thousands of regional jobs that come with them. That means either the Maritimes ...
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Leubsdorf: Unscathed Romney rolls on despite conservative concerns
His poll numbers have remained virtually stagnant as a majority of prospective primary voters bounce around among the conservatives seeking to become his principal GOP foe. Yet despite the muted enthusiasm for Romney among many Republicans, ...
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Hundreds of Gay, Lesbian Voters Join Conservative Party To Help Senator
More than 250 gay, lesbian, and same-sex marriage activists have officially registered as members of the Erie County Conservative Party, which strongly opposes same-sex marriage. The reason? Organizers say they're trying to protect someone who helped ...
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Jim DeMint still a Mitt Romney guy
Jim DeMint's 2012 endorsement, a nod that would help in DeMint's home state, as well as symbolically among conservatives nationwide: DeMint, who endorsed the former Massachusetts governor in 2008, made clear in an interview late last week that he has ...
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Interview: Murdo Fraser, Scottish Conservative Leadership candidate
Tom Peterkin met with Murdo Fraser ABOLISHING the Scottish Conservatives must be an arduous challenge, but that did not stop Murdo Fraser from forgetting his mission for a couple of days last week to explore the remote beaches of Sutherland. ...
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First in Print: Exploring a new conservative issue
Coldwater Daily Reporter
It should become a fresh issue for conservatives. He said "The biggest problem with poverty in America ... is the breakdown of the American family. Look at the poverty rate among families that have a husband and wife. It's five percent today. ...
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