Monday, October 17, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
The rise of the regressive Right and the reawakening of America
Christian Science Monitor
Progressives believe in openness, equal opportunity, and tolerance. Progressives assume we're all in it together: We all benefit from public investments in schools and health care and infrastructure. And we all do better with strong safety nets, ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Education's essential building block
The Guardian
Photograph: UK Stock Images Ltd/Alamy For the past 30 years progressives have reacted in one of two ways over education: embracing market-style reforms, or sticking rigidly to their comprehensive-school guns. Neither is adequate; both positions have ...
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The Guardian
Feingold voices support for Occupy Wall Street
UW Badger Herald
The event was hosted by Young Progressives, an organization that works to "promote progressive ideals and activism among members of both the UW campus and the wider community," according to the group's website. The Occupy Wall Street movement began on ...
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Vermont Senator Tim Ashe declares candidacy for Burlington mayoral race
In past elections, I have been fortunate to earn the support of Burlington Democrats, Progressives, and Independents. This wide support, combined with my experience, values, and vision, makes me the only candidate in the Democratic caucus who can ...
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God Dissolves into the Occupy Movement
Religion Dispatches
I was interested that he brings up the idea of religious structure, because one thing people frequently ask me, in the context of my reporting on the religious right, is, "where is the church for progressives?" In other words, they look at conservative ...
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Clinton Foundation Concert: 65 Years For Bill Clinton, 10 Years For The ...
Huffington Post
He can't help him as much if fellow Democrats and Progressives are tearing him down. Let's tear down the Republicans instead; that's what the country needs right now big time. Yes, if you're a Republican who puts party before country or you're an ...
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The Constitution: A Love Story
Tapped (blog)
This story illustrates the paradox of right-wing "constitutionalism" in the 21st century: On the one hand, it proclaims its patriotic devotion to the document against unpatriotic progressives who want to "destroy" it. On the other, it is faintly ...
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Tapped (blog)
Elizabeth Warren: Bomb, Bomb Iran! (blog)
Progressives bitter about Obama have already lost their latest celebrity, Elizabeth Warren, to the fever swamp of war hysteria, and she ain't even elected yet. The Boston Herald reports the US Senate candidate, running against centerfold Scott Brown ...
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NRA's LaPierre: Obama Will "Break The Back" Of 2nd Amendment In 2nd Term
Media Matters for America (blog)
National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre was mocked by progressives last month for claiming that there is a "massive Obama conspiracy" to "lull gun owners to sleep" by not taking any action on reducing gun violence in order to ...
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Blogs2 new results for Progressives
The Congressional Progressives Caucus Presents a Budget Plan ...
By Michael Lerner
Washington, D.C. – The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) today sent policy proposals to Senator Patty Murray and Congressman Jeb Hensarling, Co-Chairs of the. Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, recommending that the ...
Tikkun Magazine
In Minneapolis progressives, unions surf wave of Occupy protests in ...
By Jon Collins
A host of progressive activists, Occupy Wall Streeters and union members rallied and marched from Peavey Plaza in downtown Minneapolis to the Wells Fargo building Friday. The march, which led to a sit-in protest outside the bank's ...
The Washington Independent

Web1 new result for Progressives
Occupy Wall Street: Progressives Must Renew Demands for a Just ...
Progressives must move beyond their cautious pragmatism. Once they retreated during the Reagan era from seeking a more just and emancipated society, they ...

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