Saturday, October 22, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News8 new results for Conservatives
Conservative Romney Alternatives Vie for Iowa Edge
ABC News
By KASIE HUNT and THOMAS BEAUMONT AP Evangelical activists are Iowa's most potent Republican voting bloc and the fight for their support is in full swing among the presidential candidates competing to emerge as a more conservative alternative to early ...
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The Tory Eurosceptics are on a roll. So why are they still so cross?
The Guardian
The threat to their right flank from Ukip is also on the mind of some Conservatives. But it is fair to say that for a lot of the mutinous Tories this really is about Europe, the issue that ignites their most visceral passions. ...
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Conservatives cut back on rented art
Ottawa Citizen
In a reflection of differing tastes or perhaps a desire to cut costs, the Conservative government has sharply reduced the number of rented art works hanging on the walls of federal offices. Since the Conservatives came to power in 2006, ...
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GOP candidates court conservatives...Nevada GOP caucuses set for Feb... Libya ...
9&10 News
Mitt Romney is campaigning in New Hampshire, but six of his presidential rivals tried to burnish their Christian conservative credentials at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition on Saturday. Texas Gov. Rick Perry took a veiled jab at Romney by saying ...
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Tories' video for gay youth slammed
Montreal Gazette
"I'll just say this about Canada's Conservatives' contribution to the 'It Gets Better' Project: People who are in a position to make it better - elected officials - but who have chosen, over the years, to make it worse, can come around," he wrote. ...
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Tories can halt decline - Davidson
The Press Association
Mr Fraser, the current deputy leader, is backed by several of the Conservatives' 15 MSPs, including former leader David McLetchie, Alex Fergusson, Alex Johnstone, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Jamie McGrigor and Gavin Brown. Ruth Davidson has received the ...
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South Asian Link
Critics say it is clear evidence that Conservative government is embarking on their hidden agenda plan to restrict the country's immigration levels. More evidence of this immigration cutting surfaced this week when Conservatives Immigration Minister ...
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Tokidoki Barbie: The Conservative Hipster
Big Hollywood
The thing is I probably didn't hate it for the same reason the mainstream conservative would hate it. No, I didn't get on a high horse and tout the moral downfall of an iconic toy with her outside-of-wedlock pregnancy … I cared more about the fact ...
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Blogs3 new results for Conservatives
Perry steps up courtship of cultural conservatives in Iowa – CNN ...
By A.Killough
Wilton, Iowa (CNN) - Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney visited a bank and a local chamber of commerce in Iowa earlier this week with an economic message almost exclusively tailored to business-minded Republicans.
CNN Political Ticker
A Few Questions To Other Conservatives About The Abortion Issue ...
By lineholder (Diary)
No, I'm not trying to "beat a dead horse". Truthfully, I believe abortion to be the killing of a human life equal to murder. My impression is that a.
Two Reasons Conservatives Love Herman Cain | Lew Rockwell's ...
By Lew Rockwell
Two Reasons Conservatives Love Herman Cain. Posted on October 22, 2011 by Lew Rockwell. He's a neocon warmonger and Islam-hater. (Thanks to Brad Funhouser). This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ...
Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre

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