Saturday, October 22, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News8 new results for Progressives
Progressive America
Town Hall
Welcome to Progressive America. As more "Green" scandals involving "friendly" treatment of friends and fundraisers for the president emerge, no one with a "D" after his or her name seems to give a damn. Why would they? It's not their money. ...
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Awake the State organizes to fight Gov. Rick Scott's agenda
Orlando Sentinel
By Eloísa Ruano González, Orlando Sentinel With two months until the opening of the 2012 Florida Legislative session, progressives in the state have started to mobilize. On Saturday, more than 50 people took part in the Awake The State Summit at the ...
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Merit pay is a pilot project worth pursing
Lewiston Sun Journal
There are the same Progressives out there that comment negatively about my opinion every month. The amazing fact is that their comments are not always rooted in the content of the article so, it is obvious they don't read the column or they interpret ...
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A New Birth of Economic Freedom
The Claremont Institute
In Lochner the progressives' true hero was Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., whose pithy dissent mounted a frontal attack on the entire classical liberal synthesis shared by Peckham and Harlan. Holmes asserted, without trying to demonstrate, ...
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Akunyili appeals tribunal's
Akunyili, a Senatorial candidate of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) is challenging the victory of Dr Chris Ngige of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) at the last senatorial election for Anambra Central. In its ruling on Thursday in Awka, ...
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Obama's Wall Street Waltz
Daily Beast
Will Marshall, president of the centrist Progressive Policy Institute, calls them "wingnuts" who must be shoved "back to the margins where they belong" while progressives "seize the center." The moderate group Third Way offered up a phalanx of experts ...
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Daily Beast
Russell Brand Pens Eloquent, Zany #OccupyWallStreet Article!
"American exceptionalism" on display, parented, guided, molded and educated by the Harvard Progressives. Shameful, especially when you hear the new horror stories coming out of North Korea. Brianna is what is wrong with this genreation. ...
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Republicans consider a future without SB 5: Thomas Suddes
Plain Dealer
As Raymond Moley, the Cleveland Progressive, later part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidential Brain Trust, said, Progressives (and today's Ohio Constitution is a Progressive product) had "romantic" ideas about voters: "Direct legislation through the ...
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Plain Dealer

Web1 new result for Progressives
Identity progressives and identity conservatives
4chan's moot, aka Chris Poole, stood up at the Web 2.0 Summit yesterday and painted a more complex picture of identity: The portrait of identity online is.

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